Chapter 20

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“We’re going to get caught.”

                “We’re not going to get caught.”

                “We’re going to get caught.” I repeated, eyes scanning the hall. Dalton frowned at me.

                “If we do I’ll distract ‘em and you run.”

                “Fine but when you die remember you told me to leave you behind.”

                “Ouch. You wouldn’t come back to save me?”

                “Didn’t you know chivalry is dead?” Besides, I’m a coward. He chuckled under his breath for a moment but it cut off sharply and his eyes narrowed.

                “Come on.” he hissed, jerking me around the corner. My bag thumped against my back, filled to the rim with things to make Ava happy. She was going to be pissed I was here. We crept down the halls, ducking past an office, trying to find her room. Instead we ran into the security guard outside of said room. Dalton jolted to a stop and I nearly ran into his back, my breath hitching when the security guards eyes zeroed in on us.

                “Suicide watch.” I whispered to Dalton. “Let me talk.”

                “Who’re you?” The security man rose to his feet, crossing his arms. He was an older guy, with graying hair, and a stubble coated chin. Surprisingly trim for his age, I watched as he tilted his head, waiting for an answer.

                “Some of Ava’s friends.” I stepped in front of Dalton, voice meek.

                “I didn’t get a notice from the receptionist.”

                “Yea, sorry about that.” I mumbled weakly, rubbing the back of my neck impishly. “We wanted to surprise her, you know? I’m afraid if the nurse told her she had visitors she would send us away again and I really wanted to try and cheer her up… I mean… It’s Christmas.

                The man studied us for a moment, eyes narrowed into slits. I could guess what he was seeing. Two teens, both primarily wearing black, one tall and scary looking (Dalton had put on his public stone face) and the other with a very large, suspicious backpack resting between her shoulder blades.

                “You do know why she’s here, right?” he asked gruffly, face darkening, as if he was a pissed off parent scolding his children for sneaking too many cookies. I purposely looked to my toes, shuffling nervously in a way I knew would grab is attention.

                “Well… yea. I’m the one who found her.” I told him, wringing my fingers together nervously.

                “You’re Sam?” He perked up, tilting his head in disbelief.

                “Uhm, yea?” I have the stitches to prove it. “Why?”

                “Ava mentioned she had a friend who listened to her sometimes. You’re the only one she ever talks about, although, she mentioned she had a boyfriend.” His eyes flickered to Dalton behind me. “I was just expecting…”

                “People not like us.” Dalton finished, lips twisting into a grimace.

                “I have to look in the bag first but you can go in when I’m done.” He sighed. “Just a precautionary protocol.”

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