"Oh, yes he can. And it'll be collateral." Lance fired back.

"Not helping, Lance." Allura growled, making the boy cower.

"Fine," Lance threw his arms in the air and looked Keith dead in the eye. "Everyone's right. But if you hurt her or do something unequivocally stupid...so help you." He seethed.

Not long after the discussion Y/N came tramping into the kitchen with a sleepy, half-conscious Hunk. "Dinner?" He yawned.

Pidge, of all people, was the most enthusiastic of the bunch about the thought of dinner. Luckily, it didn't take long for Hunk to prepare and soon enough everyone was gathered around the table. The air was far less tense than earlier in the day, particularly between Lance and Keith whose brooding rivalry seemed to have simmered over. Y/N figured they must have reached some kind of agreement over whatever dispute they were having. She still wasn't quite sure what it was over, but didn't have a desire to find out. Though, she had an unfortunate feeling it was over something that had to do with her.

"So," Shiro piped up. "What does everyone say to a bonfire tomorrow night?"

Everyone collectively hollered 'yes' and Shiro smiled.

"And surfing all afternoon!" Lance added in excitedly. "I'll teach everyone!"

"Keith and I know how to surf also, so we can help out." Shiro looked to Keith and smiled a little smugly. Keith didn't even have to question what Shiro was thinking about because he already knew. "I can teach Allura, Lance you teach Pidge and Hunk...maybe Keith can teach Y/N?"

"Wait, you guys can surf?!" Lance squeaked, almost sounding like he'd been horrified by something. Maybe to Lance the thought of Keith on a surfboard, and being proficient at it, was beyond his imagination. In fact, it didn't even seem possible. Sure, Keith was athletic, especially since it was a requirement at the Garrison. But he didn't exactly do it for fun.

"Yeah." Shiro laughed. "Keith and I used to surf a lot when we were younger, actually."

"Shiro can you teach me instead? I don't trust Lance." Pidge muttered. She was well aware of the fact that she would end up drowning under Lance's supervision.

"Sure," Shiro agreed. He too came to realize Lance with two students was an awful idea. He could manage Pidge and Allura.

"Oh man what if I get sea sick?" Hunk complained.

"Chill out, big guy. I'll look after you." Lance tried to pat Hunk reassuringly but it wasn't very comforting.

"And Keith? You're alright teaching Y/N?" Allura asked softly, trying to break Keith from his obvious daydream.

"Hmm? Yeah, sure. Yep." He nodded, pursing his lips. On the inside, Keith was screaming. All day? With Y/N? Surfing? Teaching her to surf when he wasn't even sure if he remembered how to? Either way, he was tied into it.

He challenged himself to look forward to tomorrow whilst the group finished dinner.

Next thing he knew, he was out in the sand playing a small game of soccer with Y/N. The entire situation was almost dream like. Inside of the cottage just a few yards away, Keith could hear everyone else inside watching a movie. The cottage sent off a warm glow and smelled of Hunk's freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. The sand under his feet was still warm from the heat of the day and Y/N's laughter was nearly as soft as the breeze which came off of the ocean. He may not have been the most brilliant soccer player, but he enjoyed the impromptu game nonetheless.

With sore feet and tired bodies, the two made their way back inside and joined everyone else in the living room for the movie and cookies. Keith, for once, actually laughed along with everyone else as the movie played instead of maintaining a straight face. His mind was on high alert, especially since he was squished shoulder to shoulder with Y/N on an absurdly small couch, forced to share a blanket because Lance insisted on having two. Whether that had been a part of a master plan for Keith to get closer to Y/N, or Lance just being a drama queen, he didn't really care either way. Y/N was relaxed and happy, that aura wearing off on Keith a little.

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