☞ chapter fünfzehn

Start from the beginning

i get inside and see mackenzie already turning on the aux. "is anyone else coming?" mackenzie asks and i nod my head but doesn't say anything else.

"you'll see." i respond and start the car.

"hey guys!" mandla greets us and mackenzie takes her suitcase handle and begins to make her way closer to them. "heeeey!" i hear mackenzie respond and her suitcase stopping.

i also take out my suit case and make my way towards them, locking my car. hopefully it doesn't get hot in there. when we get back.

i make my way over to the group who's chatting away and see darius and nadia holding hands and coming closer. "what's up john, mack." darius says and nadia smiles at us.

"we were here waaaay earlier so we went out to get some popeyes, want some?" nadia shows us the bag and we all nod in response.

"asher and annie are already inside, we'll see them later." mandla tells us. they all turn around and start making their way towards the deck to get inside the cruise.

an officer was there to help us up and get in comfortably. they take mackenzie, mandla and my suitcase and put them inside first. then put their hands out for us to take and get in safely.

"thank you." i say and get inside the ship. "sea sick!" mandla says out and gets into a puking position. nadia pulls out a plastic bag from out of nowhere and gives it to him.

"it's not even moving, but it's alright." mackenzie pats his shoulder and we begin to start walking to the main entrance.

the loud chatter and music fills up our ears, mandla still holding the bag incase he needed to puke. "register here!" darius leads us to a fancy looking desk and we give them our names, license and everything. the lady nods and turns to mackenzie and i.

"a room for two?" she assumes and i nod. she gives us two keycards for the same room, we move away and mandla moves in front to register.

mackenzie and nadia look at how pretty the cruise was, mackenzie clearly happy that she was able to be here. i smile at her and smiles at me too. darius puts an arm over my shoulder and smirks at me.

"i'm happy, you are too right? lover boy." darius says and i push him away, embarrassed.

mandla announces he's finished and we all make our way towards the room areas, mandla, mackenzie and i dragging our suitcases behind us.

"there you guys are!" annie says. asher and darius share a bro high five as i do with asher also.

"sorry, sorry! mackenzie and johnny were taking too long," mandla apologizes and nadia snickers. mackenzie's face turns a bright red and i can feel mine also.

"it's not like that, stop it." i respond and mandla smirks at me.

"okay whatever! come on let's eat!" asher ends the conversation and leads us into a big booth that allows all of us to fit in.

mackenzie picks up the menu, eyeing it closely and making sure not to miss anything that sounded yummy, i laugh at how long she took and how she was the last one to finally order.

"you take to long, babe." i tease her and she hits my shoulder. i fake a whine and she laughs at me more.


"ow, shit!" they groan, making the first person roll their eyes.

"stop complaining," the first person replies and the second person rolls their eyes at the first.

"i can't help it! this room is a piece of shit," the second persons sassily says and continue to put their stuff on the ground.

the two had gotten probably the lower class rooms and they were annoyed since they expected something better. especially when they were going to kidnap someone on a cruise ship.

"whatever. at least we get 1,000 dollars out of this." the first person shrugs off and lays down on the uncomfortable bed.

"this wasn't worth it, and how the fuck is johnny still in love with mackenzie?" the second person replies and lies down on one of the beds also, looking up at the cruise ship floor/ceiling.

"i don't know okay? this plan was dumb anyways." the first person rolls over and has their back's towards the second person.

a phone started to ring which made them both groan. the second person picks it up and looks at the caller id.

"if it isn't our favourite bitch of all," the second person announces and the first turns around.

"it's sophia rose!" the second person fakes a grin. as she answers the phone.

let's get it
new theme
and we entering act 2

word count

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