
603 66 2

2:05 AM

I can't believe Sorn is asking me to sing. "Right here?" I asked her.

She raised an eyebrow and opened her arms wide. "Right here. The entire street is yours. Your spotlight is the moon."

I slid my hands in the pockets of my jeans. A smile beginning to curve my lips. "Then, what should I sing?"

"Anything your heart wants."

I cleared my throat. The doctor told me to avoid singing if I don't want to lose my voice completely, but tonight had been full of risks taken, maybe singing for the last time for the girl who saved my life won't be so bad. I took a deep breath and looked up the night sky and then I began to find my voice again. I promised myself this is the last time I'm going to sing.

When things were so hard
that I was tired of living
When nothing was going my way
When I hadn't even seen my family
And even I wasn't important to myself
In this world, where one must have more
In order to continue with love
All of my life
You are all of my life

When I finished singing, there was complete silence between us. I looked at her and she's looking at me as if she's seeing me for the first time.

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