Alas, we were sitting together on my couch. It was about three-thirty in the afternoon and this was probably the most exciting thing to happen today. If Pete know about this, he would be beyond pissed. It definitely wouldn't happen again, even if he has cheated on me in the past before we became engaged.

"Your nose looks better," he commented and I turned towards him, somewhat grinning. "Y'know, considering."

"Thank you," I decided to just thank him than argue. "It feels better, too. It's still kind of fat from being swollen, but, other than that, it's all good."

"I wouldn't say that your nose is fat at all," he countered and I looked straight to him. I didn't have any emotion on my face and he didn't really, either. He had simply complimented me, in a way, without the sarcastic comment following it. "I mean, considering." Too late.

"Thanks," I simply said and laid back on the couch, looking away.

"TV?" I heard him say and I looked, as he was signaling towards the TV. "We could watch something together."

I nodded and gulped out: "Yeah, sure. Whatever."

He took the remote and flipped it on, sitting back with me and watching. He looked through the Guide before finally deciding on something, which looked to be a show called Breaking Bad.

"What's this?" I asked and he seemed almost offended that I would ask that.

"Are you kidding me?" he asked and I shook my head. "It's this show that used to come on TV, but the show ended a few years ago. It's about drugs and all that good stuff. You've never seen it?"

"No, don't think so," I said with a sigh. "Never had much time to watch TV. Hell, I never really stayed in one place to watch it long enough."

"Well, now that you have your own place, you can," he whispered over to me, where we were legitimately face-to-face. He was tempting, I have to say. "They're having a marathon today, though. Go on Netflix and they have all the seasons on there from the start to the finish."


"Got any beer or anything?" he suddenly asked, almost cutting me off. I pointed to the fridge and he got up, going over to it. "Want anything?"

"No, I'm good," I told him. "That's actually Bianca's stuff. I don't drink, like, ever."

"Not even that night at the party?" He kept asking questions and I would keep answering them, I suppose. "That's why I told you to make it home safely."

"No, I wasn't drinking," I answered, shaking my head. "I was actually trying to take care of someone who was drunk."

"Ricochet?" He knew? He sat the six-pack of beer on the coffee table, along with a full bottle of vodka and two little shot glasses. This was all B's shit here. "Didn't he kiss you?"

What the fuck?! "What—?"

"It's cool," he claimed and shrugged, focusing on what was in front of him. "He was drunk."

"How do you...?"

"I was watching you," he admitted and my mouth fell open even more. What the hell? "I wanted to make sure that you were okay, but Johnny and Candice got to you before I could."

I didn't say anything back. I decided that it was best not to, considering that he knew that Trevor kissed me and, if I even attempted to question him, he could easily tell both Pete and Bianca. I wasn't about to risk that. Ever.

He poured a shot of vodka into both small clear shot glasses, then slid one to me and one for himself. "Drink up."

"Drink up?" I questioned, shaking my head. "I told you that I don't drink."

"Oh, come on," I gulped after he took a sip out of his beer can. "You don't drink... Ever?"

"I definitely don't drink to get drunk," I stated, looking strictly into his eyes. "I'll casually drink, let's put it that way."

"This is casually drinking," he tried telling me when he slid the shot glass even closer to me. "It's not like my intentions are to get you completely blackout drunk."

He was wrong... But totally right, though. I just shook my head and took the shot glass with my two fingers. Giving the signal, I threw my head and drunk the shot as it tasted like acid going down.

 Giving the signal, I threw my head and drunk the shot as it tasted like acid going down

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

WE were laughing, mostly me. He just watched me in amusement behind his drink while I made a total ass of myself. I don't remember much. All I remember is getting on top of the coffee table and dancing to the Breaking Bad theme song, like it was the next party mix. Then, I fell down, but to the couch.

He was still very quiet when he drank, but I was a chatterbox that just would not shut up — for the life of me. I don't remembering telling him my whole entire life-story, but I do remember him asking a lot of questions — especially about myself and Pete.

The night was fun... Until he had to ask the question of: "Are you really going to marry that guy?" And I just had to piss him off and say: "Yes, I am really going to marry Pete. We're in love. Deal with it."

• I hate this chapter 🤦🏻‍♀️ Legitimately gonna PUKE cuz it's so bad, but I needed something here... 🙄🤢🤮 Life sucks sometimes 😭 Next chapter should be better, I promise 💚 All the love .xx •

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