Mission number four: Create some chances

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<<don't own death note....probably never will.....its sorta sad....i wanna own death note......i mean think L could still be alive.....i could add unicorns in......and Ryuk would have a mohawk.....that'd be cool...>>

The mysterious girl's POV:

The doctor pestered me endlessly with questions.

"What is your name?"

"I'm not sure..."

"Do you know where you were born?"

"I don't remember..."

"Do you know which country you are in?"


"Where is your family?"

"I don't know"

"Do you know the names of your family members?"

I grimaced while holding my head.


"Can you tell me anything that you remember? Anything at all?"

"No...." I replied disbelief ringing through my voice.

"Close your eyes. Now try to remember where you were before the park. Describe the place for me."

"I-it's dirty...the walls look like they're made of concrete." I made a face of concentration.

"Is anyone with you in the room?"

"A woman...she has blonde hair..." I squirmed in my seat as if in pain.

"Just a bit more okay? This woman what is she saying?"

"Sh-she's shouting...she called me Alice and wanted to tell me something and then....." I screamed mid-sentence I toppled out of my chair clutching my head. My sobs broke through my chest.

"It's okay", he reasurred." Open your eyes your safe now. The doctor comforted me before I calmed down. Mr. Yagami helped me up before stepping out of the room with the doctor.

I smiled inwardly.

Mr. Yagami's POV:

Memory loss...severe memory loss. That's what the doctor said. Apparently it can be permanent or temporary , however it would be better to keep her in the environment she has been recently which is my house. The doctor also says that the tests show no signs of any drugs or medication that could possibly cause memory loss and she doesn't have Vitamin B12 deficiency therefore she most likely got her memory loss from extreme depression. For the mean time it would be best for her to get used to the surroundings in my house. She is around thirteen to fifteen years old and is blood type O. I drove her to a education building to give her an IQ test. I need to know what level she is at school so she can enroll into one.

Mysterious chick's POV:

I sat down and was handed a scan-tron and a big booklet of questions. Ooooh an IQ test....let's see, if I score at just the about-to-graduate high school level I might be able to get in the same class as Light and that means taking the college entry exam with him and that means if I score the same score as he and L did then I get more chances to see how things go down. I sat down and read the entire booklet memorized the correct answers and wrote down my answers at an abnormally fast pace. The booklet only had questions from a middle school to senior high school student's level so I should get into the right grade. Astounded the examiner put my scan-tron into the machine and found all my answers to be correct. Mr. Yagami and the examiner stepped out of the room to talk. Through the door I could hear the words "prodigy" and "eidetic memory" before they came back and asked me to do some more tests to which I did. After about five tests they finally let me go.

"I'm tired..." I said faintly as we walked out of the building. Not wanting to push me Mr. Yagami took me back home before he went off to work.

Mrs. Yagami asked me if I wanted to sleep in the guest room or in Sayuru's room. Just on cue Light came down the stairs and I ran to him hiding behind him.

"I want to stay with Onii-san." I said in a somewhat childish tone. Shrugging and laughing a bit she agreed. She obviously believed that Light was the holy god of all things good and "could never do any wrong". Heh....

Light gave me some pudding from the fridge which I took to eat upstairs in his room. He silently looked out his window not bothering with work.

"You seem tired Light." I said eating my pudding with a spoon.

"I'm taking a little break" he replied playing with a small strand of his hair," I want to see what the police will do." Ryuk and I continued to stare waiting for him to say more knowing he will. "and I guess I am kinda tired." he admitted after a while telling us about how all the media stuff is getting to him.

"Deal with it Mr. Justice, the fame will only increase as long as you keep up this nice hobby. It probably won't stop getting old for at least a year." I said.

"I know." he said nodding with understanding at my statement. "sometimes I just need to take a break and take it easy."

"For someone who's got the entire world's police force hunting for him you sure are confident." Ryuk stated. Then Light just ranted about the death note etc. I stopped paying attention.

Abruptly the door knob of Light's door jiggled as his sister tried to get in. Quickly he hid the death note in his drawer and unlocked the door as I pretended to sleep in the futon laid out for me.

"She's sleeping this early?" Sayu asked, as she entered the room.

"yeah she needs to rest more because of her wounds so it's better if she sleeps more."

They kept going on about Light's homework and stuff so I drifted off.

L's POV:

How come Kira didn't kill me then? I pondered this as I looked out of my window. Did he just not kill me because I'm not a criminal? No... In that situation he definitely must have tried to kill me so it must be because he didn't know my face.

"the investigators' reports are about to begin."Watari said over the computer.

"good patch me through." I responded. The policemen presented their various reports. Nothing unpredictable has happened. Just people being pretentious as always and a rare mention of how Kira is indeed doing something about criminals in this world.

"thank you. I think we're getting close" i announced, "Before I leave, i have one more request. This is for the victims unit, the media unit and the Internet unit. I'd like you to carefully examine how the Japanese media reported information on these criminals. I need to know whether or not any images of the perpetrators were shown. Thank you for your cooperation." I lost interest from the rest of the conversation and continued pondering the most difficult case I have ever faced.

Mysterious person's POV:

I awoke to hear banter between Ryuk and Light's banter about how the police know that Kira's in the Kanto area.

"so? I've been giving it away with my actions. Now its time to take the death note to the next level." Light announced gaining a confused look from Ryuk. "Look it says if you write down the reason of death within forty human seconds after the person's name the person will die in that manner. If you do not specify the conditions for the death the person will die from a heart attack. Once you begin to write out the condition, you have six minutes and forty seconds longer to finish describing it. Meaning if you write down heart attack you can still put conditions on the death, I might just be able to entertain you two a little while longer." he continued flickered toward me for a nanosecond. I grinned impishly.

<<Ik weird place to stop but I'm tired dx so bleh... Srry haven't uploaded in a while I'm not gonna bother to promise more updates d: I'll update when I wanna =w= btw there's a scene where they say that my main character has an eidetic memory that means photographic memory d: just letting you guys know >>

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