From Taetae

I opened the picture and I was left shocked at what he told me. I may have even blushed myself.


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Okay well first of all my girlfriend i don't think will own that title any more... I'm thinking of breaking up with her.. Aish why am I tell you this..


Oh... I am sorry for saying what I did.. And you don't have to tell me but Why do you wnt to break up with her? I might will be able to help you...

But don't feel needed to tell me. Its not my business after all!

I'm sorry for being in your business I'll go now. Bye.


Wait No, Its okay! I'd actually like the help.. Please. The reason why I wan't to break up with her is because I no longer Love her like I used to... And I don't want to stay with her and lead her on... It's no fair to her or me.


Oh well that is sad.. Do you still want to stay friends?

If so then I'd advise you to let her down easy... This is how I would wanted to be broken up with.

So for example tell her this:

Yah (Her name) I just want to be straight forward with this, I don't want to beat around the bush so I'm going to tell you what I am about to tel you and I don't want this to be the end of us... But I stopped loving you and I really don't think it's fair if I just stay with you and lead you on.. So I also don't want you to hate me, so I am going o say this as friendly as possible.. I want to be friends again.. I just don't feel the love that we had when we started dating so please don't hate me. I am only doing what's best for us. I don't want to lead you on and it wouldn't be fair if you found out about me not loving you the same as I used to. I will forever cherish these memories we made with each other. I just want us to be friends again. I hope I let you down easy and I didn't break your heart too much.

How was that? I don't care if you copy and paste but remember to change the things that needed to be changed.


Oml that seems perfect... Have you been in this situation or the other end of the situation?


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