32. The New Neverland

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Peter wrapped one arm tightly around a rope as he braced himself for the landing of the Jolly Roger; He also had his other arm wrapped around Astrid who was by his side, watching below the ship as she then also glanced over at Hook and back at Peter.

"Hook, you better land this ship nicely," Peter smirked over at the pirate who sarcastically smiled back at him, saying, "Who's the captain here? Me or you? That's right- me."

Astrid grinned at the two, glad that they weren't trying to kill one another and was sort of getting along. "He's right. Hook's the best captain that I know."

"How many captains do you know?" Peter inquired in amusement, one eyebrow lifted as he looked down at her.

"Umm... I don't know, maybe somewhere over thirty? Give or take," Astrid shrugged and looked over the side of the ship to watch the clouds move behind them.

She glanced over at Emma who looked over at her as well; Astrid smirked and started, "Hey, Em, what did one wave say to the other?"

"I swear, if you make one more ocean related pun, I will murder you and tell everyone you died in the shipwreck." Emma remarked, unamused.

Astrid laughed, saying, "...Well, someone's salty." Emma rolled her eyes but couldn't help not smile at the joke.


The whole town was there to welcome the group back, all cheering, "Yes! They're back!" Peter held Astrid's hand as Henry rushed off of the boat, immediately being engulfed into hugs while the young couple followed behind him.

Astrid was immediately pulled into a hug by Ruby and then Granny after they had hugged her nephew. The girl was then pulled from Peter, their interlocked hands dropping, as Snow wrapped an arm around her and hugged her as well.

"I have to admit, there was a minute there I didn't believe we were all going to make it out of that place." Emma let out with a shaky breath of air.

"It wasn't all bad," Astrid remarked with a playful smirk towards her boyfriend who chuckled and glanced down at the ground. She could feel Snow's arm tighten around her as Snow smiled at Emma in something like admiration.

"Well, we did," David sighed out happily, pulling his wife and daughters into a tight hug. Astrid smiled up at her parents before catching her mother's gaze which was towards Regina who stood over by the ship with her eyes downcast and a sort of dejected look crossing her features.

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