57. Shattered Sight

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Astrid leaned her head back against the wall, annoyed and pissed at her parents who sat in their cells arguing.

"Prince Charming. Finally I've seen you clearly," Snow sarcastically smiled at her husband who equally smiled sarcastically and remarked, "And what do you see?"

"A fraud." Snow said, "A shepherd who has no business being royalty."

"Well, I see a spoiled little princess who ran away from her troubles, who always runs away!" David yelled back as the two stood up and got closer to each other, the bars stopping them from getting even closer.

"You know what I see? I see me murdering all of you if you don't shut the bloody hell up." Astrid butted in the conversation, rolling her eyes, "I mean, come on. You guys are bullshit."

"And you're just like your mother-- running away from your problems and thinking you're so better than everyone else," David spat at their teenager who simply lifted an eyebrow and tried to lunge at him but failed in doing so from the ropes tied around her securely.

"Please. Is that all you can come up with to say to me? Because anything you say, I don't bloody care." Astrid remarked, "You two are lousy parents."

Snow and David both glared at the girl who didn't even flinch at their looks, the parents exclaiming at her, "Shut up!"

Snow added towards her, "And you're a lousy daughter."

Astrid smirked, tugging at the ropes around her once more, as she scoffed, "Come over here and say that to my face, Snow White."

Snow pulled at the bars before spinning around and turned her back on the girl before facing her husband once again. "I can't believe I ever had a child with you."

"Who knows? Maybe it's really Whale's," David remarked irritated.

Astrid and Kristoff glared at the couple continuing to argue back and forth for the past half hour now until the teenager suddenly realized she had magic.

The blonde made the rope around her disappear as well as the cuffs around her wrists; She stood up and rolled her shoulders and then neck, ridding the stiffness from being tied up for so long.

Astrid then spoke up towards her parents who looked over at her once she had stood up, "Now, I dare you two to say that I'm a lousy daughter, especially when all I ever do is save your sorry asses and bloody sacrifice myself over and over again."

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