When he was done, he closed the book and placed it back where it belonged. He was silent for a while and it got me to worry. He suddenly turned around and he wore the biggest smile on his face.

"WE'VE FOUND IT!" He exclaimed.

His loud voice echoed through the empty halls. If I remember correctly, libraries are supposed to be quiet. But there was no one but the two of us inside. Peter was so happy that he engulfed me in a hug and swung me around. This happiness of his was so contagious that I laughed and celebrated along with him.

"We did it!" I laughed. "Congratulations."

"Thanks," he put me down. "Now, let's go back to the ball." He took my hand in his and started to walk, but I stopped him.

"Aren't we going to go find the crystal now?" I asked him.

"No. Because tonight is a night for celebration."

I didn't bother to say anything as he led me back to the ballroom. Peter pulled my hand and I saw that he was headed towards the people who were dancing.

"No no no Peter," I pulled him back. "I don't think I should dance."

"Liya didn't teach you?"

"She did, but there are a few girls who'd rather dance with you." I looked around and saw some of the girls eyeing Peter with lust in their eyes.

"But I don't want to dance with them. I want to dance with you, and since you know how, what's the problem?"

"I guess I'm just nervous," I admitted to him. I could see the playfulness in his eyes when he processed what I just said.

"You? A really good warrior, afraid to dance?" He laughed.

"Nervous," I corrected him, "not afraid."

"Come on you don't have to be. You just need the right partner," he pulled me closer to the other people who were dancing.

"Oh and that's you?" I teased.

"Who else?" He smirked.

In one swift motion, Peter twirled me and now I'm in his arms. His hand was on my waist and the other was still holding mine. He told me to follow his lead and that's what I did.

In a matter of time, both of us were just simply dancing around the room. It was really fun and we danced and danced as the music continued to play. Peter didn't do any tricks and I was glad that he didn't. We just waltzed and I was grateful that I didn't make a fool of myself. 

"This is nice," I commented.

Lights go down

"Yes it is," Peter agreed.

In the moment we're lost and found

"So, can you tell me what the crystal is for?" I asked him.

I just wanna be by your side

"I don't want to talk about the crystal for tonight," he waved it off. "I'm just glad that the search is almost over."

If these wings could fly

"Okay," I nodded.

It took me a moment to realize that we weren't dancing anymore. My hands were now around Peter's neck while both his hands were on my waist. But neither one of us let go of the other yet.

"You know we're not dancing anymore right?" I said.

"I know," Peter nodded, but he didn't keep his eyes off me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I- well I-" he stuttered. Seemed to be shocked at being caught. "Can I kiss you?"

I was shocked by the question. I thought my initial reaction was to push him away but I nodded.

Why did I nod?

The both of us were leaning in. I was suddenly led and controlled by my emotions. Was I really going to do this? I knew that I said that I was going to move on, but isn't this going too fast? But Newt's been gone for a few months already, but it still feels too soon.

Besides, Peter's my friend. What would happen if things didn't work out? What would happen if we- That was when I realized that I was overthinking. I should just kiss him. I mean I wanted to right? Did I really want to? I'm overthinking again.

When we were so close, there was a commotion that happened in the room that made us pull away. 

Damn these walls

"What happened?" I asked.

In the moment we're ten feet tall

"It seems like the girl that the prince has taken a liking to has run away," Peter replied. "And I think we need go now too."

Everyone's eyes were looking at the Prince and his guards trying to catch up to the girl in the blue dress. Taking advantage of the distraction, Peter took my hand and we suddenly disappeared. We were now back in Neverland and outside my tent. I was about to ask Peter why he did what he did, but his eyes were now cold and dark.

And how you told me after it all

"I have to rest if I'm going to search for that crystal tomorrow," he let go of my hand and was walking towards his treehouse.

We'd remember tonight

"Wait what?" He stopped. "I'm not coming with you?"

"I think it's best if I go through this one alone."

"Wait!" I held his shoulder. "If we weren't disturbed by that girl leaving the palace, what would've happened?"

"I don't know. Can we just...forget about that?" He asked.

Did I want to forget about it? To be honest, I don't know. I'm so confused but all I said was, "Sure." 

"Good." That was the last thing he said before he disappeared right in front of me.

For the rest of our lives







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Moving On (Peter Pan X Reader ft. TMR: Newt) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ