Sneak Peek

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A/N: Hey all! The author here (almost a decade later lol). I have published the start of a sequel to this book since I got so many requests for it. Obviously, I've grown a lot and my writing style has GREATLY shifted since I was fourteen and wrote ITILMBBF. If you're interested in giving it a chance I'm published it on here under the title "Starting Over". Without further ado, here's a preview!

"You're kidding?" Aaron asked as his jaw dropped.

He'd listened patiently as I told him the cheating Cam story. The image of my beautiful ex thrusting into a busty blonde was burnt in my retinas and if I had to suffer through it I certainly wasn't going to do that alone. Luckily for me Aaron kept his cheeky comments to himself long enough for the story to come. Probably due to the job of moving my belongings into our apartment. I could hear his wheezing from here and knew he didn't have the lung capacity to get some backwards comment out quite yet.

With a deep sigh at my story, we finished moving my last box into our apartment so I could unpack. The goal was to be ready before Adam got back from his football practice. We were sharing the first floor of a local house between the three of us. Adam wanted to keep an eye on me, which my budding adulthood was skeptical about. College was a time to grow and try new things, I didn't need my big brother tailing my every move. My parents, however, felt "more secure" in sending me across the country under the watchful gaze of Adam and they were the ones footing the bill after all. Funny how he didn't have that condition when he went away.

Kicking at the bin my bedding was contained in, the two of us slunk down onto my floor while resting our backs against my bed to talk more freely. I owned a surprising amount of stuff that needed to be brought. Who knew one girl could collect so much junk?

I shook my head no to answer his previous question and in turn he asked, "So what did you do?"

"I broke up with him obviously!"

I mean, had the thought of staying with him crossed my mind? Yes, of course. He was the first guy I hadn't sent packing after date numero uno post Chace break up. Something about his grey eyes and humorous attitude was the perfect juxtaposition to my ex. So I kept him, but I couldn't continue on down that path when each time I closed my eyes I was reminded that he hadn't even waited a today before falling into bed with another woman.

Aaron snickered, poking a finger into my side which made me squirm.

"Isn't it kind of funny that you and Chace broke up when he left for college because you two were afraid of cheating then bam! The guy you were going to stay with when you went to college cheated on you."

I narrowed my eyes into slits, batting his spidery long fingers away from my waist, "I'm sorry, what's funny about that?"

"Just ironic," he shrugged.

"Just ironic," the words spat out of me with a mocking venom that I hadn't meant to aim toward my best friend. Still it felt too late to take it back and so I groaned in lieu of an apology, hitting my head back against the firm mattress. "This is fucked."

"Mmhm. So what's the game plan?"

"I'm just going to relax and take a break from guys this year. Cam cheated on me- so what? I'm at a new school surrounded by new people and intend on getting a new job. What's the point on wallowing in the past?"

"...I meant what did you want to do for dinner."


Even with Aaron, my closest of close friends, the embarrassment flooded across my cheeks painting my cheeks a bright pink. For all of his positive qualities Aaron was still a typical guy, who held more interest in what his body was telling him than my feelings. As I listened to his stomach grumble and the pair of us giggle, I wondered if that was a healthier way to be.

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