Chapter 10

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Isa Oliveira Brandão

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Isa Oliveira Brandão

I left the kitchen while my heart was ready to burst out of my chest. That was the biggest lie of the century and it was seriously ridiculous to think that Nicolas would fall for that, but I didn't give a fuck about it. I would never, ever admit what had happened last night, the best fuck I ever had. I remembered Nicolas kiss, the hickeys, the way he pulled my hair and kept me under the mercy of his mouth and his thrusts. Oh, good Lord...

I had to get that out of my mind, or working for him would become and unbearable task. I focused all my strength onto cleaning, freshening up every corner in the house, except for on room, the one he denied me from entering. And, as if it all wasn't enough, it was hot as hell and there I was, working hard while wearing a big, loose t-shirt and leggings, so I could hide the marks he made sure to leave on my body.

I went to the garden around 11 a.m., sat on the grass that was everywhere, under the shadow of a huge mango tree, and texted Rico:

"Me: Hey, u free?"

"Rico: What have u done to Nick and where's the body?"

"Me: WTF?"

"Rico: If you're texting me, it must be serious"

"Me: STFU, Rico! Can we have lunch together?"

"Rico: LOLOLOL! Fine, but you're paying, since I know you're getting that good money working for Nick"

"Me: Bullshit! Stop being a cheapass and pay some lunch for your sister! See that?! That's the reason why Bia left you!"

"Rico: BITCH!"

"Me: Cheap ogre!"

Besides the "sweet" manners we treated each other with, Rico was my best friend, right after Bia, of course. I still just couldn't understand why they couldn't just work stuff out already.


At the restaurant, Rico glances at the mountain range made out of food I had in my plate. The french fries hill, standing besides the rice and beans hills, and let's not even get started on the half piece of a cow shaped like a steak, almost falling out of the plate.

— Sure you don't want anything else? — More smug than the devil, he cuts a piece off his steak and eats like a beast still laughing at me.

— Eat shit, Rico. Since when exactly do I owe any explanations? — I complain, then sit in front of him. — I need energy: Nick's son comes home today, and have you seen that house, the size of it? It ain't easy at all, taking care of all that.

— And when did you start liking children? — He takes a lettuce leaf with his hand and shoves it into his mouth. Then, he shoves one more forkful of food.

— I've always liked children. My issue is with little devils in training... They scare me, indeed.

His laughter made a couple people on the line for the buffet look at us. I eat a couple mouthfuls, quickly thinking about how I would talk about what was bothering me. I take a gulp of juice.

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