"You always cook for the both of us." He muttered while looking away. I was about to reply when a loud stomping of someone going down the wooden stairs caught our attention. We watch as the kid earlier made the disturbing noise until he reach down the last stair. He didn't stop stomping though until he reach us.

"Hey maid, is the food done already?" He rudely ask while plopping his body on the stool and pull out his phone. A frown form on my forehead at the rudeness of his talking. What is wrong with this kid?

He look up when I didn't respond and he raise his eyebrow. "I asked you maid. Is the food done already?" He impatiently ask. I sigh to calm myself from getting angry to a teen and just simply reply when Evan replied instead.

"He's not a maid and never talk to him on that rude manner of yours ever again." Evan suddenly spoke up with venom in his voice. I shiver at the deadly glare he gave to his cousin. The kid on the other hand doesn't look fazed and instead of being frightened, he raise his brow in question before turning his back to Evan.

"Whatever." He replied as he roll his eyes. I watch as Evan's frown deepen and he gritted his teeth. My eyes widen and I wave my hand to calm him.

"Hey, it's fine! He doesn't know me so I guess he has the right?" I didn't mean to end it in a questioning manner but it just happen. The two of them raise their brows at me before the kid look at Evan with a bored look.

"See? I have the right to talk to him like that." Evan let out a sigh and rub his temple.

"Jonathan." He called. I look up and saw him motioning for me to follow him. I nodded and put the spatula down.

"We'll be right back." I told his cousin as I take off my apron. He roll his eyes at me and snarl.


I ignore his attitude and just follow my husband who's already in the living room which is out of earshot to his cousin.

"What is it?" I asked while watching him walk back and forth. It doesn't look like he heard me asking as he mumble to himself.

"He's more complicated than I thought." He mumbled with a deep frown on his forehead.

"What's wrong?" I spoke up once again. This time he heard it and stop walking and look at me.

"My cousin."

I raise my brow. "What's wrong with him? He seems fine."

"Can't you hear the way he speaks? The way he act?" He asked. Motioning his hands exaggerately.

"Every teenager goes through the mood swings." I explained to him. Trying to reason out for the kid so it wouldn't face my husband's wrath. His frown deepen when he heard my explanation.

"Are you defending him?" He asked. My eyes widen and I quickly wave my hand and shake my head.

"I'm not! I'm just being reasonable okay? He's your cousin right? Sometimes cousins don't get along well and come on, he's just a teen." I explained. He stop moving and stare at me.

"He's not." He suddenly said. A frown form on my forehead and I stare back at him.

"What do you mean he's not?" I asked. He cross his arms and answer.

"He's no longer a teenager."


"He's already 22." He continued with his arms still crossed above his chest as he blankly look at me.

My eyes widen in shock. 22?!

"W-Wait, hold on. That kid is already...?" I trailed off as I point at his cousin that we left in the kitchen. He blankly stare at me as he nodded his head. I blink a couple of times and breath in and out before pointing at my husband.

Contract Husband [H2OVANOSS] [SLOW UPDATE]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя