Chapter 3

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We talked through our whole science class and it was honestly fun to have someone to talk to.
"she looks so old man" Alan said to me referring to our teacher.
"i know, she's almost retired, lucky for us" i replied.
"she's strict as hell" i said again.
"i've been at this school for one day and i can already tell" he giggled at me and i laughed back.
"Mr Ashby and Mr Carlile" she said in her posh accent and everybody looked at us.
"yes miss Kramer" i replied.
"could you boys share with the class what is so funny that it can interrupt my teaching?" she said glaring at us.
"nothing miss Kramer" i replied.
"fags" some guy whispered but it was loud enough for everyone to hear it.
"Mr Knight we do not tolerate that kind of language and bullying here, go to the principle, now" she ordered.
"we do not tolerate bullying here, bullshit" i murmured and Alan gave me a looked that said "I'm sorry" but i shook my head and mouthed "its okay" and smiled at him.
Once the guy left she continued her lesion which shocked me because normally she would give anyone that talked in her class detention, but hey i couldn't complain.

I didn't have my next class with Alan so i walked him to the room and made a promise i would wait at my car for him.
My next class went by slowly and i didn't really listen to what my teacher was saying, i was to busy thinking about Alan,
His hair,
His eyes,
His smile,
His jawline,
His lips,
"oh my god Austin he's been here one day and you're already beginning to like him"
I thought to myself, lie.
The truth is, i never stopped liking him.
I got interrupted by the bell and put my stuff in my bag and swinged it over my shoulder.
I was about to walk out of the class room when some guys stopped me, but they weren't some guys, they were my bullies.
"where do you think you're going Carlile?" one snapped at me.
"just leave me alone" i said while trying to walk away but they pinned me against the wall 
"i don't think so, we've got other plans" he said and punched me in the ribs.
I was clutching my chest while they punched me in the face a couple of times and i was about to slide down the wall.
"no" i said.
"what?" one of them said grinning.
"no" i said clearer and stretched myself up causing me to look down on them.
"what are you gonna do lank?" he said sounding slightly afraid.
"this" i said and punched him in the face.
He backed out a little and put his hands on his nose.
"you fucking bitch" he said while looking at his bloody hands, Shit did i give him a bloody nose?
They were all helping him so i took my chance to run away.
I quickly ran to my locker and grabbed my books and ran to the car park.
"hey Aus- oh shit" Alan said and ran over to be and inspected my face.
"c'mon lets go home and patch you up" he said and walked me to my car.
"keys" he said while holding out his hand and i gave him a confused look.
"you're not driving like that Austin"
"i've had worse" i said and sat in the drivers seat.
"fine" Alan murmured at climbed in the Passengerseat.
I drove to my house and pulled up on the drive way.
I unlocked the front door and walked in with Alan besides me.
He was looking at pictures of me as a child, me and my mom and dad, my mom and dad, and some random family pictures.
"you were such a cute little baby!" he said pointing at a photo of me in a bathtub playing with a rubber duck.
"thanks" i said a walked up the stairs gesturing for him to follow.
I opened my door and he inspected my room.
"nice" he said "where's the bathroom?"
"next to this room" he nodded and left and i went to sit on my bed.
Alan came back with disinfectant, some bandage, a bottle of painkillers and some water.
"lay down, doctor Ashby is going to work" he said and i did as he said.
He put some disinfectant on a piece of paper and cleaned the bruises on my face.
"sorry" he said when i hissed from pain.
He put a bandage on the cut in my cheek.
"anywhere else?" he said and pointed at my ribs.
"okay uhm" he said while pulling my shirt up but i took it of entirely.
He laid his hand on the bruise and i groaned in pain.
"i can't do much about this one" he said and stroked my chest a little.
"its okay" i replied "thank you"
"welcome" he smiled at me.
"now put your shirt back on before i begin to drool" he said and scanned me chest again causing me to blush.
When i had my shirt on again i heard the front door open and my dad yelling he was home.
I got up and signed Alan to follow me.
"hi dad" i said while walking down the stairs.
"hi Austin, And..?" he said looking at Alan.
"Alan, Alan Ashby" he said smiling and went to shake my dads hand.
"nice to meet you Alan"
"nice to meet you too Mr Carlile"
My dad smiled at me.
"Alan can you, excuse us for a moment" my dad said and Alan nodded.
My dad pulled me to the living room and grinned.
"you made a friend!" he said and hugged me.
I hugged him back and he asked about the bandage on my cheek.
"oh nothing, i got hit in pe" i said and he nodded.
"I'm so proud of you" he said and fistbumped my shoulder and i smiled at him.
Alan smiled at me when we came back.
"we're just gonna go chill in my room okay?" i said and walked up the stairs with Alan.
"okay" my dad said and walked in the living room.
When me and Alan were in my room again we started talking about music, because he saw my slipknot posters and cd's.

After a few hours Alan got a text from his mom saying she would be home late so he asked if he could have dinner here and i happily agreed and my dad did too.
It was still an hour till dinner so we went for a walk.
"does he know?" Alan asked out of the blue.
"know what?"
"that you're gay"
"nope, he'd probably kill me"
"and your mom?" i stood still at his question.
"uhm she-she" i looked down and felt tears coming in my eyes.
"she died, a few months ago" i said and a tear rolled down my cheek.
"I'm so sorry Austin" he said and wrapped his arms around me.
I held him close and sobbed in his hair while he stroked my back saying it was okay.
After a while i stopped Sobbing and dried my tears.
"sorry" i murmured in his hair.
"no no its okay" he said and tightened our hug.
I smiled and got out of his arms and we walked back to my house.

*at dinner*

"so Alan, you went to elementary school with Austin?"
"yeah but we moved" he paused for a second "my mom got a job out of state"
"and what about your dad?" Alan looked down.
"i don't know my dad, he left when i was young, my mom is a single mother"
"I'm sorry to hear that" 
"its fine, i didn't like him anyways" Alan said and took a bite.
After that we just had small talk about baseball and school.
Alan got another text saying his mom couldn't come home tonight and he didn't have the keys, so we all agreed he could stay here for the night, it was Friday so my dad didn't care, he was more thrilled i had a friend, and i was too.
Me and Alan watched "500 days of summer" after dinner, he said the movie was his life and i could see he adored it while we were watching it.
We were watching it on my laptop so we had to sit tight against each other, which i didn't mind.
The movie ended and i realised Alan was resting on my shoulder.
"are you tired ash?"
"no" he said but i could hear in his voice he was.
"lair" i said and he giggled.
I put my laptop away and went to my closet.
"do you wanna borrow some pj's?" i asked and he shook his head,
"i sleep naked" i looked at him and he began to laugh.
"idiot" i murmured.
"i know you love me"
"oh shut up"
"you love meeeeeeeee" he said and walked towards me.
"you love me you love me" he repeated and poked my stomach.
I winced when he poked one of my bruises.
"oh my god Austin I'm sorry" he said immediately.
"its okay its fine"
"lets just go to sleep okay?" i said after a while of silence.
"okay" he said while taking his shirt of and i looked at his chest.
My god he is hot.
Alan saw me looking and blushed, 
I turned around and took my shirt, jeans and socks of and searched for some pants and i put them on.
Alan was sitting on my bed in his boxers,
"is it okay if i sleep in my boxers?"
"yeah of course" i said and he smiled.
He stood up and laid under the covers and patted the space next to him.
I crawled under them and Alan curled up against me.
"good night Austie" he said and kissed my neck.
"good night" i was holding myself in not to say i love you.
Alan snuggled into me more so i put my arms around him and he sighed in happiness.
"are there any monstersssssss?"
I sighed "no"
"are you sureeeee?"
He giggled and buried his head in the creak of my neck.
"if you're gonna ask about monsters again you're sleeping on the floor"
He hit me playfully "noooo"
"what then?"
"i love you" he whispered and i could barely hear it.
"i love you too" i said and kissed his hair.
His breathing became heavy and steady so he drifted of to sleep.
I felt my eyes getting heavy and fell asleep moments later.


Hi there! thanks for reading

This chapter was really long sowwyyyyy (1800 words holy shit) 

Goodbye, untill my next update!

Love, Malene 

The Ginger And The Giant (Cashby fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin