Day 69 - 4L

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I wiped the dried tears on my cheeks as I tried to open the metal door

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I wiped the dried tears on my cheeks as I tried to open the metal door. The sunlight blinded my eyes as soon as I stepped in at the rooftop building.

This would be my first time going in here. I closed the door behind me while I put a  hand to cover my face so that my eyes can adjust by the sudden brightness.

The warm morning sunlight feels good this cold autumn. Now, I finally understood why the pest likes to be here this season. I roamed my eyes and there I saw the pest laying down. He's two arms were on his head and his eyes were closed.

I thought he's reading a book? I walked closer to him with slow and quiet steps. The moment I was near him, I saw a book on his left side. Thanked God, I wore jeans today so I sat next to him and he didn't budge.

I cleared my throat but still he didn't do anything. I heaved a sigh before deciding to poke his chubby cheeks. Omg! This is the fluffiest thing! I poked once again or maybe twice and thrice or how about let's make it five—

"What are you doing?"
My eyes went wide when he caught my hand with his eyes glaring at me. After a few seconds I bit my lower lip to keep myself from smiling.

"Can I hold your cheeks again?"
I pout and tried to look pity for him but he just rolled his eyes on me and sat up. He didn't let go of my hand though.

"You already hold it enough."
His voice were cold and it didn't suit on his baby morning face. He look like a child who's throwing a tantrums from not getting what he wants.

"I wanna hold it more. Let me~!"
I tried to be near him but he stopped me from holding my shoulder.

"Too much skinship, Lisa."

"Oh, sorry."

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"How did you know I'm looking for you?"


"Uhm, okay? But can you stop holding my hand now?"
He froze. I pressed my lips into a thin line to prevent myself to smile again. He throw my hands and acted cool like nothing happened. Jimin ran his fingers through his hair after hissing at me, I giggled and shifted my attention to the reason why I needed to be here.

I open my bag and find the thing that I prepared this morning.
"Oppa, have you eaten breakfast already?"

"If you can call coffee as a breakfast then yes."

"I thought so."
I hummed and bring out two lunch boxes and put it down on the space between us.

"What's that?"

"I made it for you."
I smiled and look into his eyes and he blink a few times. Maybe he's still processing that I just cooked breakfast for him.

"Are you sure that's mine and not to your crush—?"

"Yah! Why are you doubting me?!"
I slapped his arm and he glared at me again.

"Just like what you did before right? You made lunch for Taehyung but you ended up giving it to me."
He caressed his arm and rolled his eyes on me, stating an obvious fact.

"Yeah, I know that but this time? I really made it for you and it's also my way of saying 'I'm sorry' for leaving you the other day."
I honestly said and unwrapped the napkin on the lunchbox and gave it to him.

"If you say so.."


I also unwrapped mine and took the cover off. It's a simple breakfast but I made an effort to make the egg roll, I didn't know it's hard to do I almost burn my finger.

He started eating and I was smiling ear to ear when he keep shoving the food inside his mouth.

"So? How is it?"
He didn't look at me but he nod and keep eating.

"It's good."



"Thank God! I almost burn my pinky because of it."
I pout as I picked up my own chopsticks and started eating too. But the moment my tongue linger on the food, I stop chewing and look at Jimin.

I watched him how he ate all the food as he smiled adoringly at me but I remain unfazed.

"You're lying."

Of course, I didn't actually said that. I shake off my thoughts and smiled back at him as I continued to chew the salty egg roll.

Cause it turns out I accidentally put salt in it instead of sugar. Egg roll supposed to be mild and sweet yet I freaking ruined it because of my carelessness.

My sausages were also burnt and now I'm wondering if the previous lunchbox that I gave him tasted good at all?

"So apology accepted?"
I playfully bat my eyelashes and giggled. Ignoring the fact that my effort has come wasted.

Well, I should ask mom's help next time.

"Why did you left anyway?"
He asked curiously. I hesitated to answer as I handed him the carton milk that I bought at the vending machine beside the cafeteria earlier.


After I slipped that out of my mouth, he didn't said another word anymore and just accepted the drink as we both became quiet for a moment.

"You like him that much huh?"

Hunch | lisa ff ✔️Where stories live. Discover now