Crisis During Vacation (2)

Start bij het begin

In that moment, Alt-nii stood up straight and moved so that he could be in front of me. He quickly took out his dagger—ah, he must have picked it up from the closet. I remember that he put it in the closet, but I didn't even see it when he was picking it up again! Just when did he...?

He put the dagger in his right hand, clutched tight—and suddenly I see 4 daggers each on his hand—this technique... no, could it be, an illusion?

The two men in black are taken aback by this sudden turn of events. It's clear that they are misunderstanding Alt-nii and I.

"My, my? Onee-chan is really disappointed... If only you remained a good kid, then Onee-chan will not hurt you...," the woman who is the leader of the intruders—she is now showing a distorted face.

"Go!" Alt-nii shoved the daggers towards the three of them, while giving me the cue to run.

As the intruders are preoccupied with Alt-nii's sudden attack, I dashed through all of them and quickly reached the door.

In front of the door, just a few meters away, I can see the unconscious Gale...

While I feel bad for neglecting him for the moment, I gotta prioritize looking for help.


--then suddenly, I heard Alt-nii's scream.

...Three adults are ganging up on a 7 year-old child.

Though Alt-nii's magical abilities might far exceed them, he is still at a disadvantageous situation. Is it alright for me to run, leaving him behind?

Sure, finding help is important, but I don't want to imagine the probability that my return along with someone's help is too late. Who knows that by the time I got back, Alt-nii is...

Alright... I will go and try to fight along Alt-nii first!

When I returned to the room, I saw the two men crouching down on the floor with their hands covering their abdomens. Though they were struck by nothing more than illusion, it was quite good at inducing pain to them. As a reflect, they would try to calm down the throbbing pain they felt with their sensation which was manipulated by the illusion.

Meanwhile, the female leader is standing firmly, Alt-nii's dagger lying on the floor just right before her, and Alt-nii is... the female leader is roughly holding Alt-nii's collar, lifting him up in the air!

I can feel adrenaline rushing through my veins.

No, no, no... Alt-nii!

At the same time, I can feel that the atmosphere around me is making me sick. Is this my brain's suggestion upon seeing this bad, bad condition?

I know I have to do something really quick... but I've yet trained any combat magic... so, what can I do?


***Normal P.O.V***

"Phyllo? What's wrong?"

Just as Cassie set her feet outside Chinosato's Magical Association, she was greeted by her husband's familiar who rushed out to her.


Phyllo's high-pitched voice indicated that something... is not right.

However, Cassie couldn't understand his words.

Realizing this, Phyllo quickly rushed to Cass' head, aiming his own forehead towards Cass' forehead.

The moment their foreheads touched each other, Phyllo closed his eyes and concentrated on sending his message via magical essence.

[Danger... the children!] what Cassie sensed through Phyllo's transmission of magical wave.

Because those two are not master and familiar, they won't be able to communicate fluently, so that is the message that Phyllo could transmit to Cassie. If it's Cyan, surely he would be able to understand what Phyllo wanted to transmit to him.

Still, that is enough for her to understand the whole situation.

"Teleportation magic, destination: Sakura Inn's magic portals, ," Cassie murmured those words with focused eyes and mind. She poured her mana to cast this spell.

However, nothing happened...

Cassie becomes flustered as she realized that something was preventing her from teleporting there... Cold sweats started to run throughout her body.

An isolation barrier?!

"Meredea, let's go quickly! There's something wrong!!" Cassie quickly rushed Meredea and the two of them entered the carriage.

Although Meredea doesn't know anything, she is able to comprehend that something very urgent is happening, causing her superior—who's normally calm even under difficult matters—is completely in panic. She quickly followed Cass into the carriage.

"Please, hurry back to the inn!" Cassie instructed the carriage driver. Sure enough, the driver managed to pump out all of the horse's maximum stamina to go back to the inn.

By this time, Phyllo has already returned back to where his master is—back to Cyan, who is also en route to the inn.

But, not long after the carriage's started to move...

"Aaaargh, too slow!"

But God Forced Me to Reincarnate!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu