Chapter 16

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After our walk to the peak and back (we ended up staying and watching it in silence for a while. It was wonderful, but then we got hungry and realized we didn't have any snacks with us), everything between the four of us was much more peaceful. 

We got back home, made some lunch for us, and ate and talked together happily. It was great.  

Until we decided to play a game of Monopoly.  

"Ha! I got Boardwalk!" Jake says, laughing maniacally. Gavin and I just rolled our eyes, but Holly looked like she might cry. To put it nicely, she was failing miserably -- she had four properties, all of which were from the first half of the board, and she had had to mortgage all of them earlier in the game to pay taxes to either Gavin or Jake. I wasn't doing too great, either, but at least my amount of money, including my buildings, was in the green.  

It was Holly's turn, and she winced as she shook the dice and threw them. She go t a seven, and from where her piece was on the board, she landed on Boardwalk.  

"Fifty dollars, m'lady," Jake said to her, smirking.  

"I don't have fifty dollars, ya butt," she says, standing up. "I give up. I'm bankrupt."  

"Guess it's just us three now," Jake says, laughing again.  

Important note: Jake becomes the most evil, dishonest, lying and stealing little butt on this earth when he plays board games -- especially when he's winning like this. Really, the game is just between Gavin and Jake now, unless one of them will be mentally retarded enough to give me all of their properties or something. The only good thing I have right now is a Monopoly on the red properties and Park Place -- my other properties kind of suck., especially compared to Jake and Gavin's battle over the greens and yellows.  

I look over at Holly, who's now sitting on the breakfast bar in the kitchen, dangling her feet back and forth over the counter. She seriously looks like she might cry, but that's only because Jake's being mean and everything. Jake doesn't even notice, which infuriates me and seems to make here even sadder than she already was. I don't point it out to him, wanting him to kind of look like a jerk since he's being one, but send Holly an apologetic look. She smiles tightly, but then goes back to look out the window at the lake, ignoring the rest of us.  

The three of us play for a while, which ends and  becomes two when Jake buys my orange property, giving him another Monopoly, and he puts hotels on his light purple and I land on it. I don't lost all of my money, but I'm bored of playing, so I quit, and leave the game to Jake and Gavin.  

"Hey," I say, joining Holly, who has since moved from the counter to the porch. "You okay?"  

"Not really," she says. "I... Jake an I kind of had a fight last night. It wasn't a huge deal or anything, but... I don't know," she says, breaking down and hugging me. I awkwardly tap her back, trying not to seem too mean when I pull out of the hug. She's obviously been crying out here by herself, and it hasn't really stopped. 

"What did you fight about? I mean, you guys were kind of picture perfect."  

"I... he wanted to... you know, move the relationship along. I told him I wasn't ready, and we got in the whole 'you would if you loved me' fight, and it was really bad. I told him to go do a certain something to himself, and he told me I was quite a few things, and I ended up cussing him out and going to bed. That's why I was already asleep when you got back from... where were you last night, anyway?" "Can you promise not to tell anyone?" I ask, looking at her. She nods quickly, sitting cross-legged on  a log.  

"I won't tell," she says, smiling a little. "What were you doing?"  

"You know that guy, James? You know, my ex that I met again at Walmart a couple weeks ago?"  

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