That was a question that was truly tough to find the answer to. Again, the question was aimed at the Imaginaries, who slowly stepped back as soon as he stood up. Sadly, that question was left unanswered when someone came running across the bridge. The sight of the cruel Sorcerer was indeed intimidating, especially when Merlin turned back to face him as he began to ultimately transform into something giant. In a grand coat of thick red smoke, Jafar changed from a man into a giant, twisting red and black Cobra with a crown that rose over the Castle tops. It was only out of anger that Merlin found a chance to replenish the weakening barrier.

Having enough, Jafar chose to use brute force to get through, striking against it before striking his own beam against it, failing of even reaching Merlin.


It was for certain that there was a much greater magic at work here, that was far stronger than his. It had made the barrier three times as strong!

"Seems we've beaten you this time, Jafar! Our faith in those boys remains the same now. Now you, begone!"

"Maleficent will have you all! Sooner than you think. You have nowhere else to go." Jafar hissed as he struck against the magical wall with blunt force. He smirked though. Fantasyland was the only place that remained entirely safe. In a quick motion, Jafar morphed into that of a crimson cloud, knowing that he was outmatched by the mere presence of two Imaginaries. Which meant... there was a chance even yet.

Merlin remained on edge, even when Jafar suddenly disappeared into thin air. For those protected within, their moment had been cut short. Quasimodo stood up, seeing the sky over the castle light up with blood red meshing with that rainbow aurora. Of course, there was an unexpected distraction coming from the very top of the Matterhorn. The deep roar of the voice track for the Yeti was no precious comfort to the poor girls who found hope in this fox. It took a great amount of patience and strength up these stairs and the walls continued to get narrower and narrower the higher they went. During the fray, the two happened to meet the faces of Disney itself. As soon as the three made it through to the very top, that great red mist seemed to get them blinded before it fully formed into a massive Cobra. It had its coils fully gripping the fake facade of the mountain, its own force making it crack and crumble under the weight. Robin Hood gasped and backed against the door to shut the girls in.

"What have we here?"

"Don't you think about it!" Robin snarled even with Jafar flicking his forked tongue at his face.

"I do not mean to be rude, good fellow, but I have an Imaginary to catch. Now you will give one to me, one way or another."

Robin knew what this meant and that this was another Sorcerer who had just enough power as Maleficent. As soon as he felt heat hit his face and the Cobra's eyes began to glow, Robin shut his eyes tight! The girls did not know what was really happening but Robin was trapped out there. Kate tried to look around for something but all there was around them were tools, beams and a... pipe wrench! Lindsey went and grabbed it. Of course, this would be nothing to beat a Villain back with at that size... But as Robin found that the spell was so bright that it pierced through his eyelids, he knew that this was a losing battle against Jafar. So he let it happen, opening his eyes to the hypnotic assault, beginning to feel drained and dreamy...

Jafar was just about to believe that this was the key to getting to the Imaginaries until he felt a huge sharp pain stab into the back of his head. A titan hold of knife-sharp talons gripped through his scaly skin and he was yanked back. It was the great young Eagle, Libertas!

All the girls could hear was only pure chaos... "What's happening now!?"

"We've got to help him!" Kate screamed, horrified... only to have just have met this brave Fox from their earliest childhood.

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