Lights Of The Other World

81 3 2

Reviewed by: LadySapphire2018

Author: Pritika1106

Cover: 8/10

I like the simplicity and regal nature of it, but I feel I feel that white would be a better choice for the font color. I do like the actual font style itself, but I would italicize it.

Description/Summary: 8/10

The summary does a good job in explaining what the story will be about. My main suggestion would be to showcase the magical parts of the summary first and the other parts later. It would help to grab the reader's attention faster.

Chapter One Review: 6/10

This chapter was easy to follow and it introduced the characters well. I think that the Zina scene was a little over the top, but you've established her character. Anyway, with some polishing this could be a good story. All the elements are there. They just need to be sculpted.

Activity of the Writer: 8/10.

The writer is on fairly regularly and seems to make a real effort to reply to as many comments as they can.

Plot: 6/10

The plot is easy to understand. If someone is looking for a quick light read just to indulge in some escapism, this is a good choice. I do hope to see more depth added later though, but this review is only based on the first five chapters of the story.

Any other thing: 7/10

The writer has clearly tried to establish a realistic world as far as the main character's characterization goes. I'm just hoping there will be less telling and more showing later on. The chapter lengths were a good length though. Long enough to advice the plot, but not so long as they would overwhelm most readers.I also noticed a big improvement from Chapter 3 on.

Overall Advise: 

My advice would be to tone done the Zina incident and to look up information on showing and telling in writing. I do advise the author to continue writing though. The story as I said has potential.

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