Smokescreen (TFP) X Human! Reader

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All the Autobots were dispatched due to a Decepticon Activity. Your friends were at home since its night and you stayed at the HQ all alone ditching your school work. While waiting for your guardian which was Ultra Magnus (I know...You even complained about it but you had no choice) since they'll be taking too long you decided to put your headphones on listening to your music playlists.

When your favorite upbeat music comes out you started to dance like nobody's watching. You were still energetic even though the teachers bombard you with homework and other activities especially PE. You were now singing along.

Smokescreen arrived and was about to call out if everyone is back when he heard an angel singing. He looked around until he saw you singing even saw you dancing which made him laugh a bit.

Suddenly a love song entitled 'Perfect by Ed Sheeran' was next you were having second thought on changing it but you just shrugged and sang along with it. You were swaying as you close your eyes and started do the waltz as if your partner is there.

"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark" You sang. Smokescreen quietly went behind you.

"With you between my arms" You suddenly felt arms wrapped around your waist making you shriek in surprise. You quickly turned around to see Smokecreen. Smokescreen smiled.

"Barefoot on the grass" Smokescreen sang continuing were you left off. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Listening to our favourite song when you said you looked a mess I whisper underneath my breath but you heard it, darling" You both sang as you gaze upon each other.

"You look perfect tonight" You both slowly kissed.


You both suddenly pulled away and looked to who it was.

"Ultra Magnus!" You exclaimed.

"Took ya so long!" You said as you grabbed your bag and went towards him. Ultra Magnus gave a cold glare at Smokecreen then transformed.

"See ya tomorrow Smokescreen!" You waved at him as he waved back as he kinda sweatdropped from Ultra Magnus's atmosphere. You hopped in and Ultra Magnus drove off.

Smokescreen sighed in relief but then smiled as he blushed in his thought.

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