"W-What did you want to tell me, Mi?" Alex asked.

"Oh, I was wondering...are you and Alexa going out?"

"No. Just started chatting with her again." Alex smiled. "I did kiss her Friday night. But we...we kind of established that we couldn't be together."

Miles nodded and looked away. "Cool..."

Alex felt strange. He was still ill from being in the cold for too long. His speech was usually slow but now it was more slurred than usual. He felt exhausted. He could sleep right then if he wanted to.

"Mi...I d-don't feel good."

"Is it the hypothermia again?" Miles asked.

Alex rested his head on his desk, and it took a few seconds for him to drift off to sleep.

"Al? Al, wake up." Miles whispered. But Alex wouldn't budge. He stroked his cheek and realised how cold he was. As everyone else completed their work, Miles walked up to the teacher.

"Sir, Alex has fallen asleep."

"Is he that bored already?" The teacher joked.

"N-No, he sat in rain for too long and I think he has hypothermia. He's freezing cold." Miles explained.

The teacher looked concerned, so he walked over to where Alex was sleeping. He pressed his hand against Alex's hand.

"He is freezing...Helders, are you finished? Go and get reception."

Matt stood up and walked out of the room. Nathan was laughing with his friends from the opposite side of the room when they noticed Alex sleeping.

"Kane, look after him and make sure you help reception take him to the medical room."

Miles nodded and held his arm around Alex tightly. He used his free hand to warm up Alex's hands.

Jamie and Nick noticed Nathan and his friends laughing and told them to shut up. Then the two boys helped Miles with Alex.

Reception soon came and took Alex into the medical room, where he soon woke up. Miles wanted to come with them but they refused.

"Are you alright, Alex?" The nurse asked.

He shook his head, wincing in pain.

"Are you feeling overly tired lately?"

"I-I've got hypothermia."

The nurse noticed his shivering body and his pale face. He looked really ill.

"Is your mother home?"

"N-No...my dad is..."

"We'll give your dad a call and see if he can pick you up." The nurse smiled, before leaving the room.

Alex tried to warm up by hugging himself and his legs. It wasn't working. He felt extremely cold and he wanted it to stop.

His dad came about fifteen minutes later, and helped Alex into his car.

"I'm sorry about all this business with your book, Alex. You have it now, don't you?" His dad asked.


"Son, I worry about you. When we get home, I want you to have a hot bath and then get in bed. That'll be best for you."

Alex sighed in response. Soon enough they were home.

His dad opened the car door. "You're taking this week off, and you can recover."

He helped the shaking boy out of the car and into the house.

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