Chapter One...A Normal School Day

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I lift my arm up and lazily hit the snooze button. I wake up everyday at six in the morning, and some mornings I just plain old don't want to get out of bed. I know I would have to though. I lifted up my feet and swung them over the edge of the bed. I sat up and just stared at my closet doors. I still don't want to get up.

I force myself over to the closet doors and swing them open. I study my shirts carefully trying to see which one I would like to wear the most today. I looked to my right and I saw my green and black plaid shirt that had a black belt that went around my middle. Perfect. Next, I went over to my dresser to get some dark blue skinny jeans, undergarments, and some tight like socks so my feet didn't get blsters in my black high heeled boots.

I walked over to the bathroom across the hall and shut the door. I changed into my outfit I picked and put my dirty laundry down the laundry shoot. I brushed my long, dark brown hair and I curled it slightly. I wanted to look nice today because, well, I don't know. Some days I have these weird urges to wear something nice. I bet everyone does, or maybe I'm just weird. Eh, who cares. 

I grabbed my backpack and I headed towards the bus stop. I walked there casually until I saw Megan, my best friend, waiting at the bus stop all alone so I ran to her. I sat on the bench with her, while I caught my breath. I'm skinny and all, but I just don't run much. I sprinted to her for about three blocks. Is it bad that I need to catch my breath? I should probably stop worrying. 

"Hey Megan. Why are you here so early?" I ask 

"My father was yelling at me this morning," I gave her a worried look. Her father seems to yell at her a lot and it bugs me. 

"Why did he yell at you this time?" I could hear the concern in my voice.

"Oh, he found out that I had a B in math. He wants me to be the perfect child, so I have to have perfect grades. It drives me insane!"

"You don't show that you're insane. I guess that's a good thing," and I gave her a warm smile hoping that she would feel better. She gave me a smile back and we continued to wait for the bus.

About ten minutes later the bus arrived and we headed for a seat in the back. We plopped down and we just sat there waiting to get to school. I put my headphones in, like Megan, and listened to some music. I'm a disney fan, so I listened to some Pocahontas and Mulan songs. They are amazing. My favorite from Pocahontas is "Colors of the Wind" and from Mulan is "We are Men".

We stepped off the bus once it reached the school. I started to walk over to my locker when I noticed that people were standing around it. I tried to get through but they wouldn't move. I realized that they were actually standing watching Brittany Long while she put stuff away in her locker. Everyone followed her everywhere and I hate it because since my locker is two down from hers, students always block my locker.

"Excuse me sir, but I need to get to my locker, so if you could just move over I would really appreciate it," I said politely and he didn't move an inch. There goes the nice act. "Excuse me! I really need to get to my locker and you are in the way!" I yelled at the man.

He stepped away from the locker finally noticing that someone was talking to him. Jerk! "Sorry, I didn't see you there little miss," he said. Little miss? Little! I am five foot eight. How can I be little?

I grabbed my stuff from my locker and headed towards first hour, calculus. The thing is, I'm really smart when it comes to math. I'm actually really smart when it comes to any subject, not meaning to brag or anything. Everything is just a little easy for me.

I sat down in a seat in the back row and set my backpack on the floor near me. Unlike some schools, we can bring our backpacks to class. It's actually very useful considering that people like to follow Brittany everywhere. I honestly thing that she is a diva who is stupid in the brain. And guess what? She's a blonde! I guess some blondes really are dimwitted.

I sat in my seat waiting for the teacher to arrive, but he never showed up to class. I stared expectantly at the door waiting but nothing! Where did Mr. Gale go? Did he ditch the entire class? Apparently no one else cared. They were all goofing off and throwing paper airplanes around the room. Some people are just so childish. It's ridiculous.

The bell rang signaling everyone that class was over. I picked up my backpack and headed towards the door. I was tripped along the way and landed on my stomach. I got up from the floor and dusted myself off. I ignored all the laughing and walked out the door. This happens to me a lot. People like to pick on me, but it's nothing serious. I don't mind a good trip here and there! Not! I hate it when people trip me. They all just jerks.

I was stopped by some guy in the hall. This happens to. Guys will try to make a move, just because they think I'm pretty. They will even hit on me if they don't know my name. Pathetic. "Hey sweet thang, you want to go out to eat with me tonight?"

"Sorry, I don't date desperate, pathetic guys," I answered and walked away. I know it's mean, but they won't go away if I just say no and honestly, right now I'm not in the best mood.

Finally, lunch arrived and I headed towards the cafeteria. I sat down at the table my friends and I sit at and I waited for them to join me. My friend David, was the first to join, next was Katie, and Megan was last.

"Hey, guys, sorry I'm late. I had to finish something first," Megan said as she sat down.

"Don't worry. Anything exciting happen to anyone?" I asked hoping to stir up some conversation. Some lunches we just sit and eat. Others, we talk non-stop. It's quite hilarious.

"No, anything happen to you?" David asked.

"Well, nothing exciting, but in first hour, Mr. Gale never showed up to class, I was tripped by some student and fell to the floor, and some guy tried to ask me out. Nothing unusual except for Mr. Gale not showing up," I said trying to keep the bitterness out of my voice.

"You need to learn how to stand up for yourself, you know that we can't be there for you when people bully you. We don't have any classes with you. I'm sorry," Katie told me.

"It's fine, I just don't see why people love picking on me, but, I guess it's just a normal thing that happens," I sighed.

The end of the day came by slowly and people still picked on me a bit. I got tripped two more times, had someone shove me into my locker, and someone kept hitting me with spitballs all during Spanish class. I so wanted to yell at them but I would get in trouble and I'm not one to start fights.

I got home and dumped my backpack in my room. I sat on my bed and started to weep. I hate my life so much. Everyone just sees me as a puny girl who can't fight for herself. Sometimes, I just want to stay at home and never go back to school, but that would show the people at school that I'm weak. Hailey Post doesn't let people push her around and be satisfied by it. No, I just plow my way through it and ignore those people. So, this is my normal day at school and it sucks.

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