I poked Harry's nose and he stirred a little. "Wake up daddy," I whispered. "Tell daddy to wake up."

"Wake up daddy!" He said right in his ear.

"Oh, Jesus." Harry's eyes opened and he looked around at the both of us. "Oh hi, baby." He chuckled stretching his arms.

"Happy fathers day!" I began kissing his face, Oliver joining in. "We made you breakfast." He sat up and looked over at the food smiling big.

"Really?" He sounded so happy. "That's so sweet baby." He pressed a kiss to my lips. I scratched the small stubble under his chin and gave him one last kiss before standing to bring the food.

"Just to show you how good of a daddy you are." I winked before placing the tray over his lap.


After a day at the park as a family, we went out to eat at a place Harry likes and came home to lay out in the back yard on a blanket. We had music playing and Harry was pointing out shapes in the sky to Oliver who listened to his dad like he was the smartest man alive.

I went inside for a second and grabbed the pregnancy tests from the bathroom. I wrapped one up in some tissue paper, into a box and placed it in a bag for Harry to open as a gift. I came out a minute later and watched as he lifted Oliver over his head and kissed his tummy.

"Tickles! Daddy!" He laughed. I came over and sat down catching my boy's attention.

"Ooh, a present for daddy." I nodded. "Can I open it?" I felt all these emotions and nodded quickly. He sat up and had Oliver sit beside him. He ran off to get his toy and left us to sit together on the blanket. He moved the bag around and made a funny face. "What is it?"

"Just open it, Harry." I giggled too excited to wait any longer.

He opened the bag and pulled out the box. He raised an eyebrow, opening the box and pulling off the tissue paper. For a second he just stared at the test. His bottom lip quivered and his eyes looked up to mine. "Really?" I nodded. "Holy shit!" He jumped up and hugged me tightly. "We're having a baby!" He cried.

"We're having a baby!" I cried into his arms.

I had never been happier.


A week later I sat on the bed late at night reading while Harry talked to my belly. I was so happy and so was Harry that he kept having conversations with the baby. "... So the files never came through, and guess who comes into my office with a dumb look on her face? That's right Stacy and her dumb 'new hair cut' that looks the same." I looked down at Harry and laughed.

"You know the baby can't hear you yet, the doctor said I'm only like five weeks along." He shrugged.

"I know, but it can feel emotions and I want it to know that their daddy is always here." He pressed his lips to my stomach laying his head down on me. "What do you want a girl or a boy?"

"A girl." He hummed kissing my tummy over and over.

"Me too." He looked up at me and smiled. "Marlene?"

"Yes, Harry?" He scooted up on the bed and leaned his head against my boob, pressing a kiss directly to my chest.

"Will you go on a date with me?" I looked into his eyes and nodded. "Okay cool, I'll pick up Friday at seven." He winked at me.

"Oh, are you gonna pick up in your car?" I teased him.

"Yeah baby, I got me a Mustang. Her names sally but I might change it to Marlene so I can say I was inside of Marlene this morning." I snorted laughing out loud at his lame joke.

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