Tai:"Hey dumbass we're taking ruby out for her party and when we get back you make sure this place is spotless".



Tai:"Don't you dare talk back to your father like that."

Y/N:"Can I at least get some ice cream."

Summer:"And why would we give you any." with venom in her voice

Y/N:"Because I do most of the work in this hous-." I then felt a harder slap but it wasn't from Tai. No it was Summer.

Summer:"DON'T YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME LIKE THAT." then they all left which then made me chuckle a little. I then wrote a letter about how I feel about them and then I left the house not without looking back

Y/N:"All is according to plan."

???:"Indeed it is."

Y/N:(In head)"What is this voice." I thought as I was running through the forest.

Summer POV

After we celebrated Ruby's birthday I thought about what he said and I feel bad for doing that to him.


Tai:"What is it?"

Summer:"It's what Y/N said. He does have a point I feel bad for what we did to him so how about we start being a better family to her." They all looked at each other and nodded in agreement.Then we went back home with Y/N's favorite food.

Summer:"Ruby can you get your brother?"


After a few minutes she came back down with tears in her eyes.

Tai:"Sweety what's wrong?"

Ruby:"I-it's (Y/N)

Tai:"What did he do to you ?"

Ruby:"No it's what we did to him." She then showed us a letter that was written by (Y/N).

Dear Monsters

I have left this so called home because none of you care for me.

By the time you read this it's already too late to find me.

All of the constant abuse the beatings and scars you dealt to me I won't forget.

All I wanted was to have a family that loved that was all I wish but you never did.

Always blaming me and being your stress reliever.

If Our Paths were to ever cross again you wish it hadn't.

With Hate


As soon as we read the letter we were all ashamed of ourselves of what we did to him.



Tai:"What have I done?"

Summer:"Son please forgive us."

Then we all looked for him and Qrow asked Ozpin if he could help find him. I just hope that (Y/N) can forgive us for what we did.

3rd POV

While the rest of (Y/N)'s Family is looking for him. He was already into the forest having one thought in mind.

(Y/N)(In head):"I'm finally free."

But his thoughts were interrupted by a threatening growl and he saw that a beowolf was looking at him. (Y/N) was already exhausted due to how long he ran and the beowolf is preparing then he closed his eyes waiting for the strike to come but the voice in his head told him something again

???:"Hello again 'Partner'."

(Y/N):"Your that voice why are you here"?

???:"So that I can help you of course"


???:"Concentrate and think about the thing you hate the most."

(Y/N):"What hate the most?" Then the boy remembered his 'family' again then he felt a surge of power

???:"Yeeeees that's good now focus it all to your foe." and he did what he was told and then he attacked the beowolf with a menacing punch then the beowolf dissipated leaving the boy all tired out.

???:"I'm impressed. Soon we will meet again but for now rest." Then the voice was gone. But the boy saw 5 more beowolves ready to strike.The boy closed his eyes and thought.

(Y/N)(in head):"Is this the way i'm gonna die. Then i'm glad that I got killed by these things rather than 'them'. His thoughts were then interrupted by a strange assassin wearing clad armor, has red eyes and what appears to be blades on his wrists.

((A/N):"Okay I'm not the best when it comes to describing appearances so I'll just send pictures if possible.")

 He then created a shadow copy of himself then slashed them all down with their arm blades like it was nothing then the shadow disappeared then he came to the boy and said

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

He then created a shadow copy of himself then slashed them all down with their arm blades like it was nothing then the shadow disappeared then he came to the boy and said.

???:"What are you doing all by yourself?And where is your family" he asked the boy then he said.

(Y/N):"I left my home because my family never loved me." The man then felt bad for the kid.

???:"How about I be your new family?" The boy was then shocked for what he said.


???:"Yeah and the name's Zed by the way."

(Y/N):"Thank you master Zed."

Zed:"No problem kid" Then the boy was happy that he can have a real family and then was carried by Zed to his new home.

(A/N:"Aaaaaaand done. Hope you all like it even though it's my first time")

A Darkinn Rose (Neglected And Abused Evil Male Reader X RWBY)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें