chapter ten,next target. JUNE TWENTIETH, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN ; ( when cell doors couldn't hold back revenge. )
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taehyung sat still in the back of the grey, rusted out cell. his face scrunched in disgust as he bit down on his index fingers nail, pain shooting up his arm and tracing itself down his spine. the light above him flickered as he pulled his hand away from his mouth, watching the crimson trickle down his finger. blood was different, it wasn't just fluid that ran through his veins. it was power, it was the awakening of the demon he had suffocated for far too long. it was loud, it was packed full of vibrant jealousy and the river that others created in between the tiles that laid under his feet made him feel more like a God than he had ever felt before. he began to fear himself after the night the murder of two had happened. the rush, the fulfillment. watching the red pour from their heads like a waterfall, peaceful.
he pressed his thumb to the fresh wound. the lines curved into his thumb more visible under the dim light as the blood soaked into his skin. he didn't care for the taste of it as he wrapped his tongue around the area that the fingernail was now broken, but more missed the rustic smell of the stained blood. the drenched, red covered room was enough for his taste buds to feel the aroma of metal in the back of his throat, as if he had been bleeding himself. he pulled his fingers from his mouth, wiping his saliva off on the side of his shirt. he kept his hunched over figure, his elbows digging into his thighs as his eyes traced the cracks of the cement floor. the laughter of others became mumbled, background noise nothing compared to the white static that replayed in his head. flashbacks coming back in photographic memories, the two hopeless victims lifeless as they stayed tied to the wooden chairs. veins began to protrude from his skin, white knuckles as he dug what was left of his nails into his palms. the sudden rush of holding a gun to someone's head, your finger wrapped around the trigger, a bullet with their name written on it ready to drill into their skull. his hair began to raise from his arms, goosebumps travelling up his legs. the want to kill, the want to feel power, the need to feel something again. it felt all too good to him.
"kim taehyung," a deep voice shook him from his deep thoughts, his eyes following to where the name had fallen. an officer, suited in all black, a pistol around his hip. taehyung's eyes found the gun before he looked the man in the face. he cocked his eyebrow up as the officer twirled a few silver keys in his hands. "you have a visitor," taehyung took a deep breath in, his rib cage expanding as he stretched his spine by finally sitting up straight for the first time in an hour. he made his way to the bars, slipping his hands through the empty slot as the man cuffed him. taehyung smirked as his eyes dragged from the silver metal to the officer's face. "tighter," the officer ignored his request as he opened the cell, staying behind taehyung and creating a line with another officer taehyung had to follow. taehyung pressed his tongue into his cheeky, grazing the cushion of the bitten up interior, as he made walked through a heavy, white door. it was loud, several men talking to a variety of people. taehyung wasn't caught off guard as the officer in front of him pointed to his seat, min yoongi staring back through the glass.
taehyung rolled his eyes as he reached for the phone. "how may i help you?" he continued to put on the fakest smile as his eyes read no emotion whatsoever. yoongi watched the two officers make their way to the white door, motioning a hello to the two guards that stood duty. "read quickly," yoongi pressed a scrap piece of paper against the smudged glass. in red ink was numbers, all meaning something different. taehyung mumbled to himself as he tried to remember the definitions to the several numbers in front of him. yoongi sighed, crumpling up the paper and shoving it back into the pocket of his leather jacket before relaxing as he began to communicate with taehyung.
"i know six," yoongi muttered, lowering his chin as a way to force eye contact with the boy who had lost his mind on the other side of the glass. "five, the one who is locked up right now in an institution, yeah he's your way out of here," taehyung threw his hands up in the air, shaking his head, "this is so fucking stupid, yoongi. what the fuck are you on about?" yoongi tousled his hair with his free hand before sitting more upright. "listen, asshole, i don't just come back for anyone. i get people locked up for a reason, but you're something special. you got that spark in your eye that reminds me a lot of my own. you fuck this up and your ass is stuck in here for however many years they decide you belong. now shut the fuck up and listen, you whisper under your breath anything fucking stupid and i'll make sure you rot." taehyung glided his tongue over his teeth, side eyeing the cop that had brushed his back as he sauntered by. "five, i know him," yoongi chuckled to himself, "unfortunately." taehyung leaned his head against the palm of his hand, a look of annoyance written across his face. "anyways, five is your lucky chance as long as you get the eight seven and meet me ten where eleven to six, you got it?" taehyung knitted his eyebrows together in confusion, repeating the words to himself as he tried to remember what the numbers had been connected with. "think about it, let it soak in. if you aren't ready by tomorrow night, we are gonna have problems." yoongi hung up the phone, leaving taehyung with yet another stupid riddle.
"let's go," the officer behind him demanded as taehyung stared at his own blurry reflection, "times up, boyo." taehyung hung up the phone, picking himself up from the seat and following the guards back to his cell. the deviant smirk never falling from his lips as the bars closed in front of him.
"851212 919 85185," he whispered, "chaos, here i come."
who did it? ( find out who number five is and i'll tell you what the other numbers mean.
11.02.18 5 is jung hoseok 6 is get you out of here 7 is in the laundry mat 8 is gift 10 is by the fence where 11 is prisoners depart )