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"A what?" Julian asked in attempt to win some time.

He knew what "hickey" meant. He did not remember how he knew that, but he knew the word in French. The problem was that he needed a good excuse.

"A hickey. That purple thing on your neck."

"Oh, you mean my burn?" he invented. "I burned myself with the...thing to dry our hair."

"The hair-dryer. But I've never seen a burn with that color," the French player hesitated.

"Why do you think that you are the king of burns?" Kevin asked from behind, coming closer. "Yeah, it's a burn. You put Biafine on it, right?"

"Of course," Julian answered, but he did not even know what it was.

Kylian shrugged before going out, leaving the two German players alone.

"You owe me one," Kevin smiled.

"What?" Julian frowned.

"Ju, it's not a burn at all. Kylian believe me but if I was you, I'd hide that thing, because they are going to talk about it endlessly."

Julian nodded, and Kevin smiled.

"So...since when?"


"Yesterday?! And you already have a hickey like that?"

"It's not what you think! And I don't even know when he did that."

Kevin raised an eyebrow.

"You'll have to update me."

"Hey!" Presnel entered. "How are you? What are you talking about?"

"You," Julian answered.

"Really? Only good things, I hope."

"Of course. Next time, you'll stay next to your boyfriend when he is using a hair-dryer," Kevin winked before leaving.

"What is he talking about? We were late this morning, you did not use—did he said 'your boyfriend'?!"

Julian nodded.

"He knows."

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