6: Anger

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It's Monday afternoon. And I still don't remember anything from Friday night.  Damn.

But I've successfully kept the fact that I can read Gabriel's mind away from him.  

And I've been listening in on his mind for the past day and a half. After figuring out I could read his mind and him mine, I've been trying to keep him out. I have no idea if I have been or not but I'm guessing I am.  

I'm pretty sure something important happened on Friday but my freaking head decided to go AWOL on me. Unless... An alien landed on my brain at some point and erased everything... 

Did I seriously just think that?  

"Alex!" Someone shouted from the end of the hall.  

It was lunch now and I was headed toward the cafeteria because it was raining outside. Sometimes I love the rain. But today isn't going too well so now I hate it.  

I turned around and smiled. Jayden and I met in my music class two years ago. He's an awesome singer (Not as good as Gabriel of course) and we were usually partnered up. Great guy, kinda hot, wouldn't date him though, he's like a brother.  

He flicked his blond hair out of his green eyes and grinned. "Hey, hey!"  

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around his waist. "Hey, Jay; how was your weekend?"  

He shrugged. "Can't complain. What about you?"  

"Same," I agreed as we walked into the cafeteria. I searched every table looking for the familiar icy blue eyes.

'Who is she with?' I heard him whisper.

For some reason, his thoughts always came out like a whisper. I wonder if I can make them louder.  

I looked around again and spotted Tracey, Brian, Jamie, Megan and Gabriel on a large table. Jamie and Megan are twins and I loved them both to pieces.

Jayden and I walked up to the table. Jamie smiled. "Hey,"  I've always been amazed at Megan and Jamie's light brown eyes. I've seen their parents. Their dad has dark brown eyes and their mom has slightly lighter brown eyes. But hell they weren't as light as her kids.  

"Hey you two. I didn't see you both last week?" I said as I sat beside Gabriel.

"Meg and I have been busy getting our schedules swapped around. Apparently being male and female twins is too hard for the faculty to handle."

Megan rolled her eyes. "Obviously they mistook him for the smarter twin and gave him all of my AP classes."

"I have two AP classes."

"I have four." She argued.

They carried on with there little banter and I started listening in on Gabriel.

'When your love has gone... you carry on... this is her song. This is the song for no one...'

I chuckled under my breath. He was singing Song For No One by Miike Snow.  

He looked at me and raised a brow. I shook my head as if to say, nothing.  

"Gabriel, Alex, what are you doing for your birthday next month?" Tracey asked.  

Gabe and I exchanged a look. "We haven't really decided." I said.  

"Party?" Jayden asked.  

I shrugged.  

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