2 : C H A S E [1/4]

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After a few minutes of scanning the computer in silence, Connor made yet another attempt at smalltalk.
"243 files... The first dates back nine months... It all started in Detroit... And quickly spread across the country..." He recounted. "An AX400 is reported to have assaulted a man last night. That could be a good starting point for our investigation" he looked at Hank expectantly, who said nothing, then at you, waiting for some sort of response.
"Sounds like a good idea, I guess..." you shrugged. "What do you think, Hank?" ... No response.

Suddenly, Connor got up and walked over to him.

Oh boy, this won't end well... You gritted your teeth.

"Uh, Jesus Christ..." Hank muttered as Connor stood right next to him, uncomfortably close. The android leaned forward slightly. "I know you didn't ask for this investigation, Lieutenant, but I'm sure you're a professional-" Connor could barely finish his sentence before Hank responded. "Why don't you go fuck yourself?"
Your eyes widened slightly. "Hank, come on now..."
"No, (Y/N). I'm not having any of this fuckin' bullshit. Now leave me the hell alone. Please."

Before Connor could say more, you were extremely relieved to see Chris walking up to you. You were already worried Hank would hit the android or something, if he were to continue...

"Lieutenant, Detective. ... Uh... Sorry to disturb you. I have some information on the AX400 that attacked the guy last night... It's been seen in the Ravendale district."

"We're on it." Anderson replied promptly and didn't hesitate to get up, hoping to escape the current situation, and with that, the three of you left to get in Hank's car.

A Reason to Change | Connor x Human Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now