Chapter 68

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Okay, maybe you're right. I'm just overreacting. But he was supposed to calm me down. He was supposed to be on my side. I left him on a hospital parking lot. Fucking awesome decision Scarlett. I should've left him there. I wasn't thinking straight and left him there.

Should I go back? should I pick him up? I'm guessing the answer is yes.

I turn my car the other way to go back to Link. When I arrived, he wasn't there anymore. He left, that easily? Did he called someone? Whatever. I'm too late.

Abruptly, my thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang. This must be him.

I took my phone out and saw Chad's name flashing on my screen. Shit. I haven't told him that I wasn't going to meet him. There are seven missed calls from Chad.

"Chad?" I answered.

"Hey, I'm still here. Waiting." Chad says.

"Listen, my dad was- okay I'm on my way there. Sorry if I kept you waiting, I'll explain to you further when I get there. Bye," I hung up and drive straight to the ice rink where Chad was waiting.

Once I get there, I immediately spotted Chad sitting on a bench near the ice rink. He's probably pissed now and maybe impatient.

"Hey!" Without thinking I past through the ice rink and embarrassingly slipped on the ice and hurt my bottom.

"Shit," I cursed trying to get to my feet but failed because its fucking slippery. After I slipped, Chad run towards me with his black skates on. He's pretty good at it.

"Are you alright?" He asks, helping me up, his right arm supporting my waist to help me stand.

"Yes, thanks." I suppress a shy smile, patting my coat.

"Chad.." I start to say.

"Come on, let's get your skates on," He shows a slight smile and led me to the bench where he sat earlier.

"A pair of skates please," Chad says to the old man on the counter. The old man eyes me from head to toe then back to Chad.

"Size?" The old man asks Chad in a flat tone. Chad turned to me.

"I'm not so sure," I answered. It's true. I haven't actually figured my shoe size. Seriously, I'm that dumb.

"Just hand me any girl size right there," Chad demanded to the old man. The old man sighs and then put down his pen and went to grab a pair.

"Enjoy," The old man says in a flat tone and then yawn.

"You too," Chad fired back. Chad told me to sit to the bench. Unexpectedly, Chad knelt down and took my right foot and take off my shoe.

"Uhh. Chad. It's okay if I-" I'm getting pretty uncomfortable on this.

"Let me do it," Chad says, tying the skate's laces and move on with the other one.

"My dad got into a car accident and now he's lying unconsciously on the hospital." I explained. Chad stopped in his tracks and sat beside me.

"Holy snot, is he okay?" Chad asks, worriedly. Taking my both hand in his.

"He's doing fine but no one knows when he's going to wake up," I said.

"Let's go," He take my hand and guided me to the ice rink. He's supporting my both arms to keep me from slipping.

"He got any fractured bones?" Chad asks me once I learned to balance myself and skates along the way. Together.

"No. just minor damage." I answered, sighing in relief.

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