I think I may have been happier than I'd ever been.
I'm glad that I told him I liked him now.
I wouldn't take it back
Like I thought I would.
I think we're dating
He let go of my hand
I heard his phone buzz
"I-Have to go now. I'm sorry Hoseok. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Bye" he ran
I hope he's okay.
He seemed to get a text?
I walked home, humming to the music I was listening to
When I got home, I was bored.
So I made an Instagram account.
I had no idea what I was doing, or thinking.
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42 likes hobiseok is typing.... Hi! I'm Hoseok!
ineedalife: ooh u cute
jaeeuniscuterthanu: fuck ur cute
princessjinnie: oh hello there
hobiseok: princessjinnie o-oh....hi
~hours later~
hobiseok: hey...Jin?
princessjinnie: -_- hi
hobiseok: why are you so mad at me?
princessjinnie: I'm not mad I'm disappointed. Why? Because you didn't talk to me the whole day and you talked to Yoongi instead. I'm disappointed in you.
hobiseok: oh...I'm sorry.
princessjinnie: never mind that. I already found someone else who only talks to me. His name's Jimin. So never mind that. Bye