My Turn

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I stood next to Paul, he had his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I squeezed my eyes shut as Bella came up to us while Jacob screamed in agony. I should have been faster, I jumped a bit in surprise when a cold hand touched my shoulder. I didn't realize Paul moved his arm,

"My turn already?" I said

"I would say we can do this in the morning...but you're a special case. Nobody has told Bella, yet. Sam and Paul told me what you had said." said Carlisle

"You're not going to yell at me?" I rose an eyebrow

"I'll leave that to the others. Paul, are you coming with?" Carlisle asked

His nose scrunched up and his eyebrows furrowed, he was having a debate on the stench, me and Jacob. I wrapped my arms around him, and kissed his chest.

" can whack Jacob for me. Leah can take care of herself." I huffed

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, and squeezed me tightly.

"I don't see how you can let her go over there, alone." said Jared

"She's not a Human." said Paul

"Even if I was a Human I could handle myself...Emily's the one who killed the Newborn." I smirked

"Really?" said Sam,

He seemed proud, for a moment but then turned to her with narrowed eyes

"Why didn't you run?" he asked

"Kim didn't either when I told them to...but she helped me out," I smiled

Jared narrowed his eyes at Kim, who smiled at him sheepishly. She glared at me, as did Emily. I just stuck my tongue out at them. Carlisle lifted me up into his arms, after Paul gave me another tight squeeze. We went to his house.

Esme and Rosalie did most of the yelling, but afterwards they just hugged me.

"Why didn't you say anything?" said Esme

"I don't know..." I muttered

"It's not always just about Bella. She would slap you right now if she knew you never said anything because of her." said Edward

Some seemed surprised he said that,

"He's right. When I heard Paul had hurt you, I was so pissed...but Rosalie. I had to hold her back. It's normally the other way around." chuckled Emmett

I smiled at him, they came into the Study with us but Carlisle had them leave so it was just the two of us. I closed my eyes as I laid down on the bed,

"Do I need to be awake for this?" I muttered

" can rest." he smiled

I relaxed and went to sleep...I would be fine leaving-Paul came to mind when I thought heart ached when I imagined how he would react. No...he...he'll be alone...he'll hurt them...but...he'll be...
467 Words,

"If it is real, it will never be over."

- unknown

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