LillianaKawaii (Huggles~ =3=)

81 7 6

From LillianaKawaii~

Admin Lilliana: Poldravi again, Norge! Can you please go give a hug and say, "I will be yours if you be mine," to the following people:

1. Prussia

2. England

3. Spain

4. Romano

5. Denmark

Mind you, these will be regular guys ;)


Lucia: Ikke. I won't do that. =_= Espescially not the guys.

Admin: YOU MUST.

Lucia: No.

Admin: I will give you real butter~. ^-^

Lucia: Prussia, England, Spain, Romano, and... Denmark. Fine. Only one hug. *walks up to Prussia and hugs him from behind* I will be yours if you be mine. 

Prussia: *looks over shoulder* Kesesesese~ Does that mean I get to claim your vital regions~?

Lucia: *already gone to look for the next person* England.

England: Hm? Oh hello, Lucia. What is the matter?

Lucia: This was a dare. It means nothing.

England: *raises a cattepillar* What is?

Lucia: *hugs him* I will be yours if you be mine.

England: O-O"

Lucia: *lets go* Now to find the next person. =.=

Spain: Hola, chica~! :D

Lucia: ((thinking: HOW THE HELL DID HE GET HERE AND EXPECT ME?! O_O)) Hi Antonio. *hugs him*

Spain: Yay~ I haven't been hugged in so long!

Lucia: I will be yours if you be mine. ((*internally twitching from human contact*))

Spain: Oh, okay~

Lucia: That was a dare. *lets go and walks off*

Spain: D*:

Lucia: ... Why is Romano on the list? He wouldn't let Spain hug him and get away with it. And three out of two of them are perverted. *sigh* I wonder where he is.

*~7 Minutes Later~*

Lucia: Romano.

Romano: What is it b- - oh. Hello, ragazza.

Lucia: This is a dare. I mean nothing of it. *hugs him*


Lucia: I will be yours if you be mine. That was also the dare. Goodbye. *lets go of him and walks off to find the Dane*

Denmark: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORGE! *runs up to her*

Lucia: *mumbles* Hopefully the idiot doesn't know. 

Denmark: What? What don't I know? :D

Lucia: ((*thinking: Okay, he doesn't.*)) *hugs him* I will be yours if you be mine.

Denmark: JA! *hugs back* OF COURSE I WI- -

Lucia: *smacks hand over his mouth* Don't yell, idiot. Now let me walk.

Denmark: Hahaha~ Nope! *chucks her over his shoulder*

Lucia: I will kill you someday.

Admin: And thus concludes the dare. That was fun~!

Lucia: *face palming in the corner trying to hold down a raging blush* It was not fun.

Admin: Oh you know it was~ Tak for asking Lilli! :3

~ Ask or Dare Fem!Norge ~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя