Chapter 12: Fear at it's Finest

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A/N: You guys, well guy, voted on Sinestro so get ready for some fear.

Your P.O.V.
You attempted to teleport to John but you only made it outside Gotham. You were curious as of to why you were outside of Gotham. You looked around and saw many people looking at you and you quickly climbed the nearest building. The only thing you could read on the building as you climbed up was Ace Chemicals. When you reached the top of the building you saw Wayne Manor, around 60 miles away. You had no means to teleport so you asked Dark Matter "Any neat tricks we can do?" "Do you want a dragon?" (He/She) blatantly asked. You said "Do I want a dragon? We can make a dragon?" "Buddy we can make whatever we want out of nothing. You think it we can do it." (He/She) said. You said "You know, you remind me of Venom and I'm Eddie Brock. Do you think?" "No relation. But I would like to see that movie when this is over." (He/She) chuckled. You got a laugh out of that and thought of creating a raven.

You then saw a raven made of pure dark energy appear in front of you. Dark Matter said "How do you like it Nevermore?" "Oh shut up Edgar." You retorted. You mounted the raven and it flew to Wayne Manor. As you flew there you saw a tinge of yellow out of the corner of your eye. You said "What in the hell is that?" Dark Matter didn't respond and you saw the raven slowly deform mid-flight and it turned to bone. The feathers withered off and you plummeted down. You used your hook chain to grab to the nearest building, you slid down with an unyielding force and smashed to the ground. You were, thankfully, in an alley and didn't create a scene. There was no one around, but it could've been an illusion. You smacked yourself to get Dark Matter's attention, it worked but smacked you back. (He/She) said "What the hell?" "Your nightmares are kicking up." You said, gesturing the fact that you were on the ground. (He/She) replied "Well find me three light bulbs to beat and I'll be feeling better than you before sex." You were disgusted, and humored, that (he/she) said that. You said "Well John is our one link to these 'light bulbs' as you call them. We get to him, we are one step closer to curing you." (He/She) sighed and said, with a stern voice "Do not turn around. Don't say a word." You followed (his/her) orders, (he/she) said "There's a yellow light bulb behind us."

You heard something behind you, it was faint but you could tell he was flying. You knew he would have at least the same powers as you but you didn't know what gave him the yellow glow. The man, or alien you couldn't see, said "Turn around mortal." Enduced in fear you started turning, Dark Matter put you back in position. The man asked "What are you doing?" Dark Matter formed behind you and punched him. He stumbled back and from Dark Matter's eyes you could see that he was indeed alien. He was a light purple, almost a pinkish hue, and had a long head. He had short black hair and wore yellow and black. He said "You will die screaming!" "Buddy, I can never die." Dark Matter quipped, and with that, you and (he/she) punched the alien.

He was knocked back and said "I wonder what you fear." "I fear nothing you overgrown grape." Dark Matter said as (he/she) took control. DM then made swords and launched them at him. He made a shield and blocked all of them. Dark Matter then used the hook chain and wrapped it around the man, the chain digging into his left shoulder. He grunted in pain and Dark Matter yanked the chain and Sinestros left shoulder was almost about to fall off and he fell to his knees, grovelling in pain. With blood trickling down his shoulder he said "You have the potential to be a Yellow Lantern. You posses a fear across the universe, many fear your name: Dark Matter." You got in control and said "Shut it you yapping eggplant." and knocked him out. With the alien knocked out you headed to Wayne Manor in the hopes that John was still there.

Timeskip Batcave
You arrived at what Bruce called the 'Batcave' which a) sounded reasonable yet b) sounded cheesy as hell. You had the eggplant in the yellow jumpsuit on your shoulder and John was shocked to see him. Dark Matter formed outside your body and said "Hey John, Bruce." and they both didn't say a thing, not a peep. You asked "You two alright?" and John quickly said "Where did you find him?" "He attacked me on my way here. He's quite the talker. Who is he?" you said, dropping on the nearest table. John sighed and said "His name's Sinestro, he's the leader of the Yellow Lanterns. He uses fear as an advantage." "Sounds like someone I know." Bruce retorted. You said "Dark Matter is infected, so am I. Don't worry it's not transmittable but it's giving (him/her) nightmares, and giving me hallucinations. Looks like Atrocitus loves his mayhem." "You need to defeat three lanterns in order to cure him. But you will be in a coma for around 4 to 5 months." John said. Dark Matter was shocked and asked "Will (he/she) be in a coma as well?" "I don't know. Atrocitus hasn't infected many people. But the few he does we treat on Oa." John said. "How do?" You asked. "Explain later, the DEO is being attacked." Bruce said as both you and Dark Matter asked "By who?" to which Batman replied "Another Lantern."

Meanwhile at the DEO
Supergirl's P.O.V.
I'm worried about (F/N). I'm afraid that Atrocitus is putting (him/her) through a trap. I asked Brainy to track (F/N) so I can help (him/her) out, so far no luck. I was pacing around the training area until I heard an alarm. I flew to Brainy and asked "What's going on?" to which he replied "We're under attack. By what, I'm not sure. But it seems to be human....with traces of an alien presence." I knew it was one of the Lanterns Atrocitus mentioned. But Brainy wasn't sure which one, I was essentially going in blind. I was then blasted back by something, but I couldn't see what. All I could see was Atrocitus getting out along with Brainy and Alex knocked out. I couldn't fully see what was happening, until the attacker came closer and I saw the intruder.

A/N: Well that was a doozy. Well for the next chapter I promise some one on one time with Kara, no interruptions. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and vote who should be in the next chapter: Dex-Starr or Star Sapphire. Also vote for the next book in my conversations and I hope you enjoyed. Have a great day/night. :)

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