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|Izuku POV|

Training is getting hard, not because of how much we do of it but because of my strange disease. I'm not even sure how to cure it, what's the reason? Why did I get affected? And by what? Could it have been someone's quirk? No, I would have known if someone did, it wouldn't last this long...so then why?

"Young Midoriya!"

I get scared but I was snapped out of my thoughts, I turn around and it was Allmight in his deflated form.

"A-Allmight? You scared me"

"I was calling you for a while, I was meaning to tell you I think I might know someone that can help!"

"Really? Who?"

"Recovery girl"

"The nurse at school?"

"I mean it makes the most sense, Recovery girl might know what you are dealing with!"

"That's true"

(No freaking duh Sherlock)

"Are you heading to the nurse tommorow in the morning young Midoriya?"

"Yeah, I want to know what I can do for this disease...and if there's anything I can do for it"

"Alright, I have to get going but I'll see you tomorrow young Midoriya"

"Bye allmight"

We wave goodbye then walk our separate ways. Suddenly I see Kacchan and he's hanging out with Kirishima.

This is bad, really really really bad. I need to cough but why now?!

"Kirishima will you go out with me?"


I can't hold this cough in any longer. I start coughing thinking they won't notice me.

"Hey Midoriya-are you okay? You're coughing a lot?"

Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, what do I do?

Suddenly blood was dripping from my hands, Kirishima and Kacchan look surprised and scared.

"Are you okay Midoriya"

I nod my head yes in response, then I start running home. What am I suppose to do?

|Katsuki POV|

I was walking home with Kirishima, and hey I know this guy likes me so lets pretend to be a romantic person.

"Kirishima will you go out with me?"


We suddenly hear violent coughing, we search for where the noise was coming from. We then spot the person who was coughing....Deku? Did he hear our conversation?

"Hey Midoriya-are you okay? You've been coughing a lot?"

He didn't seem to respond, how hard was this kid coughing?! Blood started dripping from his hands I can easily tell Kirashima was scared and I was too. How can someone not be after seeing blood come out from  someone's mouth? I dont necessarily like deku but I was concerned why the fūck is he bleeding?

"Are you okay midoriya?"

He nods his head and runs off me and Kirashima were chasing after him because his response was obviously a lie,  we lost him at a turn he ran straight into a street that goes 3 different ways. Yeah we used go live in the same neighborhood as kids but midoriya moved.

"Where did he go?"

"I don't know..."

We walk around for a bit to see if we could find deku but...no luck he just disappeared so me and Kirashima walk our separate ways and head home we made plans earlier that we were going to tell the class we are dating so then everyone can back off. I head home and I run to my room so I don't have to deal with the old hags sh!t today, I start scrolling through my phone and I don't realize that I fell asleep.

|Izuku POV|

I ran as fast as I could just to get home,  I couldn't use my quirk either because one they'll see me and two I have no one to heal me at home. I think I lost them I was just hiding behind a wall,  thankfully they weren't checking for hiding places only the streets,  I think they gave up after a while because I couldn't hear yelling. I go out of my spot and run the rest of the way home, I unlock the door and come in.

"Izuku did you have a good day at school today?"

"yeah I did, I didn't get as hurt as I normally do"

"that's good to know, oh I almost forgot we were invited to a dinner"

"who's place?"

"An old friend, now go get ready we leave in 20 minutes"

"Alright, I'll be down soon"

I head to my room and start getting ready, I just put on a random green T-shirt that Uraraka gave me not to long ago, I put on some black pants, and a hoodie. Oh and of course my red shoes, when I finished getting dressed I had 15 minutes left. I sit down and start doing my homework I plug in my phone so I can be entertained if I get bored, I start and after a few minutes I get a text from Uraraka.

Uravity-Hey deku did you finish the homework?

Deku-Not yet,  are you having trouble with one?

Uravity-Yeah I'm really bad at math😅

(That's a big mood)

Deku- which one is it?

Uravity-It's Number 7

After I explain the entire process to Uraraka all over again, I finally got her to understand...kind of.

Deku-I'll give you my notes tommorow if you want.

Uravity-Yes please do...I suck otherwise 😛

Deku-just practice more

Uravity-I will, gtg ttyl ✌️

Deku-bye ✌️

Geez what time is it? I haven't even finished my homework yet, because I had to explain everything to Uraraka. It's fine I'll do it tomorrow morning if I can arrive early that is, I'm sure I can.

How many problems do I have left? Like twenty-five? Ugh I don't know.

"Izuku! We have to get going! It's time!"

"Alright I'll be there in a minute!"

I grab my phone and disconnect it from the charger, I put my homework away and go out of my room.

"Where were we going again?"

"We were invited over by an old friend of mine"

"Oh okay"

We get outside and we get in my mom's car, and then we head on out.

"So...which friend are we talking about?"

"You'll see when we get there"

"Do I know them?"

"Mhm just be patient"

That's what I did and after a while we arrive to.....

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