I don't even remember why Jin left.
I don't.
But I wish he'd come back.
Even though I act fine without him, I'm not.
Jin was my first and only friend, until Yoongi.
It was BECAUSE of Jin that I met Yoongi.
But Namjoon has talked to me.
"Did he tell you why he hates me yet?" I asked Namjoon
"No but I'll find out, I promise" He smiled
"I have to go but I'll tell you later!" He ran away.
"Bye" I waved, but he didn't see.
Yoongi came and sat next to me.
"What's wrong?" He asked
"I don't know why Jin left me.." I softly said
"I'm- I'm sorry" he said
"Yeah. It's okay."
"Hey um.." I was hesitant.
I wanted to tell him I liked him.
"Yeah?" He looked at me
"Let's go outside" I said
"Okay." He got up.
As we walked outside, I bit my lip, because I was super nervous.
We were outside.
"What's up?" He asked
"Umm....I-" I just blurted it out "I like you" I immediately hid my face.
I had no idea why I even told him anything.
He had the most disgusted look on his face.
I just walked away.
He grabbed my wrist.