Arc 1 [Part 6]: I Only Need 72 Hours To Fall In Love With You

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Arc 1: I Only Need 72 Hours To Fall In Love With You

Part 6: Is he a little too bored?!

"If we allow Roy to take Gabriel's place and inherit your father's legacy, would you agree?"

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"If we allow Roy to take Gabriel's place and inherit your father's legacy, would you agree?"

Agree, I totally agree! Perhaps Ravel had also seen through Gabriel's narrow-mindedness and unbearable nature?

When Ravel saw him nod, he didn't say anything more and merely rubbed his head.

It was only then that Shang Ke noticed a mole on the palm of Ravel's right hand. It was said that people with a mole on their palms were not only millionaires, but they were also talented leaders. There were also people who said it was because their previous incarnation's predestined love was unfulfilled, and so a mole was left behind to allow them to meet their lover in their current life. However, Buddhism generally believed that the mole in their hand's was destined to be lonely throughout their life.

There was no way to investigate the last two, but the Ravel in front of him was unconditionally rich and a talented leader, a winner in life that had both qualities.

What Shang Ke did not know was that, Ravel's destiny accounted for all three.

"It's late, so let's return. I will eat with you." Ravel then pushed Shang Ke back to the room and ordered the nurse to bring them their meal.

Ravel ate whatever Shang Ke ate. Even if it was just a bowl of plain rice congee, he would eat it with a straight face. This caused Shang Ke to rather admire him.

Although these days his food had somewhat improved, in actuality his body was extremely weask. He was simply unable to take in too much nutrition. Therefore, no matter how spirited he may have appeared, his body was getting thinner day by day.

Doctor Benny had said previously that every day that he lived, is another miracle in itself. If it were other people, they would have long since lost their will to continue. He knew that the reason why Cage continued to persevere was that he wanted to witness the establishment of the new empire with his own eyes. 

For the first time, Ravel wavered. He didn't want to announce the news, since he was afraid that once Cage's dream was fulfilled, then he would die without hesitation.

Ravel was reluctant to let him go... 

At night, Ravel returned to his mansion.

Kahn stepped forward to report, "This subordinate has placed Gabriel under house arrest in the guest room. How does General plan to deal with him?"

Ravel's expression turned cold and he walked to the guest room in great strides.

"Let me out! I am General Utrecht's son, you can't do this to me!" Gabriel's noisy voice came the guest room.

Heroic Death System / 英勇赴死系统Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora