"Nora, wait!" He stands in the way. "What happened?"

"I don't want to eat." I sound like a stubborn child refusing to eat veggies. Pray that I don't start crying. I should've just eaten the stupid pizza in the first place.

"Why?" He tries to coax out all my insecurities I want to hide from him. "Did anyone say something to you?"

I shake my head. "No, I just want to be better for- I should leave really."

I try to pass from the side but he held both my upper arms, grounding me on the spot.

"You are enough for me or for anyone."

Am I? 

"You look beautiful, Nora."

Eyes widen at his sudden compliment as blood rushes to my face.
"You don't need to change. If anyone thinks otherwise. They're probably blind."
His hand moves up to caress my face. I stay frozen.

"You are beautiful. So beautiful that I'm scared..." He trails off.

My stomach flips. "Of what?" I ask breathlessly as his fingers trace circles on my face that ignites my whole body.

His other hand slips into mine, intertwining our fingers.

"I'm scared of telling you how I feel." He brings our hands up to his lips and plants a kiss on the back of mine. Lips parting in shock, I blink to get hold of reality.

"I'm scared that if I do, you will feel uncomfortable around me and you'll still put an effort to not make things awkward and I'll be too selfish to give up your company."

"Tae-taehyung y-you will not be satisfied." I say as tears form in my eyes, old wounds bleeding again. "I'm not-"

His face relaxes as he exhales. "You're so stupid." He whispers.

"Wha-" My words get caught in mouth as he rests his forehead against mine, nose touching.

"Please let me kiss you."
Every word hit my parted lips as I put my hands on his chest for support.

His sensuous lips hover over mine, dangerously close as he inhales audibly.

"Say yes." He breaths, my own lips following his that move around, waiting for my permission, teasing me in the process.

My muddled brain clouds with his smell, his breath, his eyes, his lips. I angle my head, a mice drawn to cheese, forgetting this is how I fell into a trap before.

"Say yes." He pleads again, leaning a centimeter away as I follow his movements.

"Kiss me, Tae-" My airy words turn into a moan as his lips crashes into mine. 

Not in a steady rhythm, our pure need for each other governs the kiss. Lips move desperately against each other's as if trying to catch a fleeting moment. My legs wobble and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling my body against his chest as I thread my fingers through his hair, pulling on them lightly. A low guttural sound escapes from him that vibrates into my mouth.

Our mouths separate as we crash on the couch, gasping for breath, at a safe distance. 

After getting my heart under control, I gather the courage to face him, only to find him already staring.

A fear settles in my stomach. The echoes of what if-s rings loudly in my ears. Please don't say anything, I mentally beg Taehyung.

His Adam's apple bobs as he shifts closer. Save my poor heart. His fingers meet my face again as they trace a fiery path to my neck, collar bones. I close my eyes, memorizing the feeling of his touch on my skin as my breaths come out in uneven gushes. They move down on my arms and settle as they reach my waist. Bewitched by this new sensation I forget what I was afraid of seconds ago. His other hand finds the back of my neck, and we were kissing again.

Insecurities | KTH | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now