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Hey!! Sorry this took so long, I answered the questions all in one go but procrastinated a shit-ton in editing (I'm apologizing in advance for typos that I'm positive I missed)

Okay so you guys blew me away with your questions. Seriously, I wasn't expecting so many. I'm sorry for those of you who didn't get your questions answered (especially those of you who asked questions recently, since I wrote this about a week-ish ago) or who asked multiple and only got certain ones answered. 

Without further ado, here are the answers to (most of) your questions!

@angelus_pulcher :  When are u going to do the Q&A?

Alicia (that's me lmao): Right now sis

@HuricaneTerenceRuins :  Do they ever scream into the void of loneliness only to realize that the void is actually a female restroom that they keep accidentally walking into, and it is only considered a void because of their dislike for va**nas?

Alicia: I have absolutely zero answer for this question, but it made me laugh so I'm putting it in

@bxtchsamee :  For Kieran: do you prefer to top or bottom? 😏

Kieran: I think you can take a pretty good guess at that one 

@TheUnholyThoughts :  Kieran, can I have a threesome with you and Mason??? Author, is there any chance that you would marry me? No scratch that, will you marry me?? 

Kieran: Depends on how much you make in a year; if it's $300,000 or more, forget a threesome, we'll become a whole-ass throuple

Alicia: Absolutely. Right now, let's do it. Someone be the officiant, please and thanks.

@VladislavPetkov:  Will there ever be a sequel or a spin off?

Alicia: Okay, so I think two or three of you asked me this . . .

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