I guess my first trip into the ring was too terrifying, but the boys could have warned me first. We walked past the gorilla where some superstars watched as we walked past them. I tried to look down as we passed crew members but Colby pulled on my arm making me look up at him.

"Don't look down, show them whose better" he whispered, leading me towards the men's locker room. Roman and Dean walked in, leaving the door open for Colby.

"I- I can't go in there" I mumbled, breaking away from Colby's hold.

"Why not?" He asked, leaning up against the door, his muscles flexing.

"Because it's the men's locker room" I said with my hands up in the air like it was the most obvious thing. Colby looked over his shoulder before looking back at me.

"So? There's only Roman and Dean in there" he said, extending his hand out to me. "Come on."

I sighed and took his hand, letting him lead me into the locker room. I didn't want to break any rules. I was sure that they had the no boys in the women's locker room and no girls in the men's locker room.

Colby wasn't lying when he said his shield brothers were the only people in the room. The locker room was basically deserted. Suitcases strewn everywhere, shirts and jackets hanging from everywhere possible. I wanted nothing more than to clean it.

Dean had changed into another pair of jeans, along with Roman and were packing their bags. I took a seat on the bench opposite the boys and stared at the ring once more. From the corner of my eye I saw Colby pull his tights down his legs. I tried not to make it obvious that I was starring but Dean saw and smirked.

"Go on, give her a show Lopez" he said whilst pretending the throw money out of his hands. Roman shook his head, zipping up his jacket before going back to folding clothes.

Colby looked up and saw my red cheeks and smirked, pulling up his jeans. "Nah, I'll do that later tonight" he replied, grabbing shirt out of his bag. I blushed again and groaned and Dean who was laughing like a hyena.

"Come on you lot let's get out of here" Roman said, slapping dean round the back of the head. We stopped by the treatment room to grab my bag before heading out to the car park.

When we got back to the hotel Colby and I both showered. He tired to sneak in on me but I thought ahead and locked the bathroom door. I opened the door feeling fresh to a pouting Colby.

"You can order dinner since you wouldn't shower with me" I laughed at his childish attitude, moving out of the way so he could get in. "I'll have the roast of the day, extra vegetables" he mumbled before closing the door.

My whiny architect.

I ordered room service and Colby's extra vegetables as requested, and some pasta dish that sounded appetising but probably won't taste it.

As the room service arrived the water shut off in the bathroom. I placed Colby's roast on the small table setting on the balcony, and waited for him.

He walked out of the bathroom running a hand through his wet hair confused as he looked around for me. His eyebrows furrowed until he saw the balcony door open.

"Is this our third date?" He smirked, sitting down opposite me.

"It could be" I shrugged my shoulders and began to eat the pasta strands and what looked like spinach. Colby grinned enthusiastically at the extra vegetables. This boy was something else.

Recovery // Seth Rollins Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora