forty seven.

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text messages.


Hey, mom.
Can I ask you question?

Of course, baby.

You like Carmen, right?

Well, of course I like Carmen.
I love her.
Why wouldn't I?
She's sweet, she's funny and she
makes you happy and you love her.
Is everything okay?

Have you ever looked at someone
and just felt so at peace, in love
and so content?

I have, with your father and all four
of you kids.
What's this about, Chris?
Are you getting cold feet or something?

No, ma.
I just, uh.
I honestly believe she's the
love of my life. I never had the
chance to settle down a couple
years ago, when I was slightly
younger. But I look at Carmen
and I see my entire future with
her. Like, I do not regret a single
thing that I've done because it lead
me to this amazing woman who I will
call my wife in just a couple months
and she's gonna have my baby,
mom. She's actually going to have
my baby. It didn't matter to her
that I'm a famous actor, or I really
get into politics, or that I have big family,
or that I'm well off, or that she already
had her own child from a different man.
She loves me despite of all that,
and I just feel peaceful with her.

Oh, baby boy, that's what
you call love.

I've never felt this way about anyone.
Yeah, I've wanted my own family but
everything in past, I didn't see a family
with them. With her, I've already got my family. She's gonna marry me in
October, our baby is due in January and
Im adopting Bridget soon. Everything
just feels in place.

Oh, baby.
Your father would say that you
are one love sick fool, Christopher.

I sure feel like it.
She's honestly one of the best things
that has ever happened to me. I really
want Carmen in my life forever.

She's good for you, baby.
I'm happy for you.

Thanks, ma.

Of course.
I love you, baby boy.

I love you too, ma.

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