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you looked lost only yesterday when I saw you with your eyes looking for something i couldn't see, when I hear this song i think of you and how you wring your hands every time you look at the sky as if you could feel all of forever, eternity in your hands, but when I hear this song i see you and my mind melts into the thoughts of your hands in mine and hips swaying with the melody, i see you and i think you must taste like roses, red and sweet, girl with poetry on her lips, girl with the daisy chain, girl with the hidden glass scars 


you drove past my house yesterday when I was braiding my hair and my cherry lips pulled into a smile, and i saw you last night, hands tucked into your pockets and you pulled me close resting your head on mine, my arms circling around your waist and in that moment i would have done anything you asked, but instead you slipped a cd into my pocket and breathed something in my ear about tomorrow, but all i think of is you, and now, and the infinite dark sky above me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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