Question 1 - asked by me

837 16 10

Bri (me): *summons Summer* Summer, can you get Rollan?

Summer: *jumps up and comes back with Rollan*

Rollan: Ouch! Summer! Stop! Bri!

Meilin: Look, not even Summer can shut him up. *smirks*

Rollan: Hey! *punches Meilin lightly in the arm*

Meilin: *laughs*

Rollan: *laughs*

Abeke: I SHIP IT!

Bri: I second that.

Rollan: Can I go?

Bri: no.

Rollan: please

Bri: no.

Rollan: fine.

Bri: I have a question for you.

Rollan: great.

Bri: Do you think Olvan is addicted to coffee?

Rollan: oh, that's not bad.

Bri: are you gonna answer it?

Rollan: yes. Who doesn't?

Bri: okay, now you have to drink Olvan's coffee.

Rollan: What? I didn't sign up for this!!

Bri: You did when you answered the question.

Rollan: I should have known.

Bri: do you want me to ask Summer to drag you to Olvan?

Rollan: no...

Bri: then go drink Olvan's coffee.

Rollan: but...

Conor: I'll take him.

Rollan: noooooo Conor! I thought you were my friend!

Conor: I am. That's why I'm doing this. *drags Rollan to Olvan*

Rollan: fine. *takes Olvan's coffee cup*

Olvan: Rollan! What are you...

Rollan: *drinks coffee*


Bri, Meilin, Abeke, Conor: *dies of laughter*

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