*14* Meeting the Rookies

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*Natsumes P.O.V.*

"Wha-what is this...?" Naruto said, shocked as we walked into the test room.

"Gee...I guess we're not alone.." Sakura shivered. Sasuke just stayed silent at the appearance of all the ninja before us meanwhile I was amazed.

"Whooa~ There are so many ninja here!" I gasped in awe with a smile on my face. "I hope they're all strong!"

"Sasuke~ Where you been!?" A voice squealed loudly making me hold my ears in pain. "I was hoping you were going to be here!"

Looking over towards Sasuke, I saw a look of annoyance on his face as a blonde haired girl held on to him from behind, giggling and blushing.

"Gahhh! What do you think you're doing on Sasuke-kun Porky!? He's mine!" Sakura yelled angrily.

"Oh Ms.Forehead. I'm surprised they let you in." The girl replied, starting an argument between the two girls. 

Ignoring the two, I just made my way over to Sasuke. "Wow...so you have fan girls other than Sakura huh?" I whispered into his ear. I only got an annoyed 'Hn' in return. "That has to suck. I know how it feels though." I said shivering as I thought of all the boys back home who would chase me around. He just glanced at me before turning away.

"Oh its you guys ." A boy with pineapple hair said as he walked towards us with another boy who was currently stuffing his face with chips. "I knew this was going to be a drag but I didn't think you guys would be here."

"Well if it isn't the three stooges." Naruto said, trying to get in on the name calling action.

"You know what pipsqueak- Ah forget it. Its a waste of time." Pineapple said annoyed.

"Well, well, what do you know. Looks like the whole gang is back together again." A boy with red marks on his cheeks and a dog on his head said while walking towards us. Following behind him was a boy with sunglasses and a blue haired girl. She seemed shy like Wendy. Looking at Naruto, the girl blushed causing me to smirk.

'Its go time! Mira would be so proud of me!' I thought to myself.

"You guys too huh?" Pineaplle said annoyed. "Man, everyones here for this stupid thing."

"Yea here we all are, the 9 rookies!" Doggy boy said laughing. He then seems to notice me standing beside Sasuke and smiled as he walked towards me. "Though it seems theres 10 of us here. Whats your name cutie?" (Quick A/N: Ok so I've never watched Naruto before and only read fan-fics. That's why I know so much but when I write my books I watch the anime to make sure everything is right so I'm watching the dubbed cuz its on Netflix and makes it easier so I dont have to read subtitles but oh my god.... Kiba's voice is annoying asf! Especially his laugh! I mean all of their voices are annoying but Kiba...Kiba just freaking killed me. I'm trying so hard not to cringe. Ok I'm done sorry)

I just looked at him before smiling. "Hi! I'm Natsume Dragneel. I'm new to the village."

"Obviously you're new. Theres no way I would have missed such a cute girl in our village." Doggy boy laughed as he wrapped his arm over my shoulders. "This is gonna be really fun! Well at least for those who make the cut, right Sasuke?"

"Hey! Get your arm off of Natsume-chan Kiba!" Naruto yelled angrily.

Ignoring Naruto, Sasuke smirked as he glared at Kiba. "Don't get so cocky there Kiba."

Kiba smiled as he moved away and stood by his team mates. "We're gonna take you guys down. We've been training like crazy." Kiba said while smirking.

"And? What do you think we've been doing!? Sitting around picking daisies? You don't even know what training means!" Naruto yelled as he pointed towards them. " Besides, Natsume-chans on our team too and shes crazy strong!"

I blushed at what Naruto said but didn't disagree. I mean, gotta take a compliment here and there.

"Ah...Don't mind Kiba. I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it..." The blue haired girl said shyly.

"Ha!?" Naruto yelled out causing her to blush and look down.

"Gah! Naruto you idiot!" I yelled as I slapped the back of his head, causing said boy to slam face first into the ground.

"Wah? What was that for Natsume-chan!?" Naruto whined.

"For being an idiot!" I yelled as I turned away from him and towards the others as I smiled. "Sorry...but I still don't know any of your names.."

"I-I'm Hinata Hyuuga..." The shy girl said nervously while glancing at Naruto, worried.

"Shino......Aburame...." Glasses guy said, creeping me out a bit. It didn't help that for some reason I could here buzzing coming from him like hes covered in bugs or something.

"I'm Shikamaru Nara." Pineapple said lazily.

"*munch munch* And I'm *munch* Choji  Akimichi *munch*" The boy with swirlis on his cheeks said while munching on his chips. They looked kinda good....

"And I'm Ino Yamanaka. Stay away from my Sasuke!" The blondie yelled, snapping me out of my hunger daze.

"Oh-ah um...ok? " I said confused. "Well like I said before, I'm Natsume Dragneel. And this is Joy." I said smiling as Joy, who was flying around, landed on my head.

"Whoa! Is that a summon?" Ino asked, shocked.

"A summon?" I said, confused until I remembered that's the same thing the others asked me when they first met me. "Ah, no. Shes an exceed and shes my partner. She fights by my side."

"Oh so shes an animal-nin like Akamaru here." Kiba said while pointing at the little puppy on his head who barked in reply.

"Umm...I guess...But shes not really a ninja." I said as I scratched my cheek.

"Of course I'm not a ninja. I'm a wizard. Just like Natsume." Joy said causing everyone but my team to jump back.

"She-she talked!" Ino yelled. "I thought you said she wasn't a summon!?"

I was going to explain to them how shes not and who we are when suddenly a silver haired ninja with glasses walked up to us.

"You might wanna try being a little more quiet. I mean you're all rookies fresh out of the academy." He said as he looked us up and down. "This isn't a class field trip."

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