I enjoy hanging out with Hoseok.
He's really nice.
I met his friend, Jin.
He seemed a little...i'll say protective of Hoseok.
But it's okay.
I try not to show that I like Hoseok too much. He'd be creeped out if I ever told him, i'm sure.
No one knows I like Hoseok.
Only me.
My friend Tae thinks I like him.
I won't tell him I do though.
"You like him." Tae said
"yes" I said, not knowing I even said it.
"What!?" he laughed
"no." I turned away
"Hmmmm. I'm not so sure"
"I. Do. Not. He's just nice okay."
Everyone has a boyfriend except me.
And Hoseok.
Jin has his boyfriend, I think his name is Namjoon.
(read pt. 11 before you comment about jikook pls) And Tae's boyfriend is Jungkook.
Tae walked away with Jungkook.
I walked back to go with Hoseok.
He looked sad
"Are you okay?" I asked, sitting next to him.
"Mhmm. Yeah uh" He stood up "Let's go hang out of something" He faked a smile.
"Wait. Where's Jin?" I asked.
"I-" He stopped.
"You?" I asked
"I think I made him mad. We're not friends anymore...."
I liked Jin. But I like Hoseok more