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Barely seeing Phos ahead, I noticed that I was too obvious with how shallow I was swimming at.

Oops, gonna dive. Need to crawl on the seabed I guess, else I'd be way too obvious.

I managed to quickly reach the seabed, on which I decided to squat-walk instead after seeing how quickly Phos was moving.

More sneaking for some time.

"How long does it take to get back home?" I heard Phos ask Ventrico. Right, sound moves faster and longer in water, gotta be quiet.

"No time at all. But more importantly... You're frail for your own kind, yes? If you crack among the waves, you may never make it back."

Phos suddenly disappeared downwards. "Whooooa, whaaaaaaa...."

Hmm, must be an underwater cliff. I'll close the gap for now, I thought as I stood up and ran as quietly as possible, stopping and squatting down on the ledge.

"Whatever," I heard Phos say.


"Cinnabar might have shared a secret with me," Phos said while beginning to turn back, prompting me to quickly get back and lie down, "but I was the one who started making promises. I loaded myself up with responsibility like an idiot. But it's too late to take it back now. And I'll never be able to forget about it or just fade away, so I have no choice but to move forward. Dan joined in probably because of me too, and I left them behind today. I wonder how they're holding up against everyone..."

Come on Phos, I did that on my own accord, I don't blame you for anything.

"Hey, does this being that looks like me experience... death... King...?"

Taking a peek, I noticed a new human-like figure standing in front of Phos, resembling something like a queen from the 1700s. Who's this?

"Indeed," that figure replied with a familiar voice, "our shells are bu garments. We are but only flesh. And as such, we rot and fade away. Leaving not a trace behind," Ventrico finished as Phos dropped the bowl in awe.

"Oh this brings back memories!" Ventrico stretched as she swam forward. "We're close! It still smells just as it did before the Lunarians arrived."

Noticing Phos just standing there, Ventrico swam back.

"What now? Come along. You can't move once the sun sets, yes?"

"King..." Phos confirmed, pointing at Ventricosus.


'What the heck ARE you?!"

"I'm me of course."

"But. Um... You always called yourself adorable and stuff, but you were really this ugly thing! And you said that was your real form!"

"Well, this is my truer true form. Drawing close to home has transformed me. I don't look that much different than you, do I?"

"Ummmm... I guess not," Phos conceded. "But you're all jiggly, you've got way more legs, and all those frills... You just became more... unbecoming?"

"Hush, you," Ventrico replied, taking a bit of offense.

"I mean especially those water jugs there," Phos said, pointing at Ventrico's, uh, um... chest. "What are those, even?"

I felt my face glow red as I facepalmed and slid back behind the cliff.

"These are my most precious of parts, you see. Praise to be them."

"Are you like those jellyfish?"

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