Lot of Things

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Lot of Things


“Joshua…” Valentine called as she snapped her fingers. “Heal yourself and use Kyle here.”

“W-what?” Joshua asked as Juliet helped him sat up.

“Heal yourself and Transfer the Compressed pain to Kyle.” Valentine said as she pulled her whip from her wrists and studied it with great interest.

Juliet stood up and pulled Joshua with her as his whole body hummed. His wings slowly lifted him off the ground as they regained energy. The bruises and burn marks on his skin slowly faded away as a ball of Compressed pain glowed in front of him. He placed his hands around the light as more pain left his body. He grabbed it using his right hand and raised it over his shoulder like a football. He leaned back before he threw the Compressed pain like a skilled quarterback.

The Compressed pain sailed through the air and hit the side of Kyle’s head. The Compressed pain quickly spread throughout Kyle’s body. The bruises and burns were amplified as they covered Kyle’s skin. But all of those vanished as fast as they came. Kyle flexed his arms as the muscles beneath his skin rippled and grew. By the end of it Kyle looked like someone who stayed and slept in a gym for weeks.

“How did that…happen?” Juliet asked as she inspected Joshua’s arms for any bruises left.

“I made the Connected to support the Mutated and Infected.” Valentine said as she leaned in to Kyle and whispered something to his ear.

“Support?” Elice asked as they all watched Kyle nod before he ran out to the ocean and disappeared.

“Where is he going?” Elice asked as she lifted the vine-net off herself with her mind.

“North Korea.” Valentine said as Evelyne assembled herself beside her. “You can try to follow and stop him but he’s almost in the Indian Ocean by the time I finish this sentence.”

“Impossible.” Will said as he stood up and coated himself with orange flames.

“Then don’t believe it.” Valentine said as she brushed her hair with her fingers and elongated her hair down to her upper torso.  “You not believing won’t spoil it… so I don’t care.”

“What about you?” Will asked as the flames fell off him, revealing his healed and perfect skin. “Where are you 2 going?”

“Everywhere.” Evelyne said the same time Valentine said, “All around.”

“I have to prepare the Army, the Swarm, and of course… the Mass.” Valentine said.

“Prepare for what?” Elice asked.

“What are you talking about?” Vic asked Valentine.

“The Army is what people should call the Connected… Swarm is for the Mutated, and Mass is for the Infected.” She answered.

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