Friends or Foe

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"GOOD MORNING RIVERDALE MIDDLE SCHOOL, TODAY WE HAVE TRYOUTS FOR THE CLUBS AND MORE...COME DOWN AND HELP US WITH THE FIELD OR OTHER STUFF....THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME." The intercom said loudly the man's voice was a type of monotone speech that a bored old teacher would have while teaching an old subject. The teacher was nice at least...he tried to hard least that's what I think. After For what seemed like forever with 'The Name Game' It was finally time for 2nd period. The day went slowly, lunch was the best part so far but then...turned me into a bad mood. Lunch was always my favorite because I got to sit in peace and no one talked to me. But then came this Girl and Boy. The Girl's name was Angela and the Boy's name was Chris. Angela talked to much and snorted like a pig. She wouldn't leave me alone until Chris noticed my uncomfort as she babbled away like there was no tomorrow. She lost me when she said something about the Art club. I sat there holding my arms as Chris pulled her away apologizing for bothering me and left with Angela other than that it was peaceful. No one else bothered me except this one girl named Irina she was the 'Popular' type. She bullied kids but after seeing me she invited me to a party that and I quote 'Her Hubby' was hosting at the local pool for the Fourth of July. This girl had to be that stupid to not know that it was October. I mean seriously! Who DOESN'T know that?! I sighed getting up walking away from her after saying 'No thanks..' and up right left the cafeteria to my next class wanting today to be over.

        Surprisingly the afternoon went by faster than I thought it was. I couldn't wait to get home and relax. My mom picked me up and I looked actually relaxed more than I have ever been as I closed my eyes and unknowingly falling asleep. The dream was the same this time except one of the girls behind the boy spoke  'Your home...get up Isra, you have stuff to do.." her expression was blank as her cold white eyes seemed to stare into my soul as I woke up with a jolt getting out and running inside and to my bed groaning. Mathew came in "Isra? Are you-" I interrupted him saying "Leave me alone I don't want to be bothered right now...." I held my pillow as I fell back asleep without eating or interacting with anyone else the rest of the day.

               The next day was mostly the same going to school lunch with Angela, Chris, Irina. Then coming home happily. The 5th week of school was the hardest for me. We had to present stuff on our dreams and I couldn't do it. I tried not to but got an anxiety attack badly and I didn't do the project. The school ended up having to send me home as I held my pillow I cried feeling trapped in a cave unable to tell anyone what I felt. I couldn't hide or run away from the agonizing pain I felt in my chest as I laid there on my blue sheeted bed. I played one of my favorite songs as I looked around the room then out the window into the sky seeing the clouds the sun and the clear ocean blue sky that touched the horizon like it had a friend. I on the other had only had two friends so far..Angela and Chris. A group of foes as well. Irina, her boyfriend Chad and everyone else associated with them.

  Will I ever get out of the game called life Alive?

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