Arc 1.2

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A loud ringing echoed in the bedroom.

"Shut it...", Xing Mao said in a husky voice, but the sound didn't stop. "Ah shit, so annoying!", he said throwing a pillow in the direction of the sound. The pillow hit the owner of the ringing successfully and it made it stop, however the object hit the floor and it woke Xing Mao who then had to open his eyes. When he looked at the floor, the clock had broken, "Great..."

He yawned and lazily stretched on the bed. Took him awhile to sit down, but even so his head keep on nodding. It wasn't until the system talked that he fully opened his eyes.

[Good Morning]

"Ah yeah...good morning AI 905..."

[I don't sleep so no need to say good morning to me, Xing Mao]

The half-asleep Xing Mao just waved his hand. He rubbed his eyes and sighed, like a sudden breeze, he once again realized that he was no longer Aria, "Right, now I'm Xing Mao".

Not wasting more time, he stood up, avoiding the broken pieces of the clock and slowly walked to the bathroom.

He entered the shower, and without realizing it, made it run cold, which made him wake up fully. Xing Mao cursed and turned the handle to the hot side. After a refreshing shower, he brushed his teeth, after drying himself and dressing up, he was ready for a new day.

He went to the kitchen and brew a pot of coffee, "A morning without coffee, is it really a morning?" He said as he watched the light of the coffee maker turn on.

Leaving the kitchen, he walked to the pile of bags he left on the entrance. It was time to put them away and clean up. After an hour, Xing Mao was done with everything, and had drank his coffee. He made himself a quick breakfast with the food he found on the fridge and sat down on the couch after he was done.

[Any plan for the day?]

"Plan? Maybe I should go to the gym? I did say I wasn't going to university until I look appropriate." He laid back on the couch lazily. 'Honestly, how do others start a new life?' He couldn't help but wonder.

Xing Mao stood up after contemplating for a while. His gaze fell on the lonely backpack on a corner of the living room. He walked to it and picked it up, "I guess I should study. I won't like to go back to university and know nothing"

For two hours straight, he studied the books inside the backpack, as well as the notes the previous Xing Mao had wrote. He was surprised at how quick he could memorize everything, by the time the clock hit twelve, he already knew the information in the books and notebook. "Damm, I wish I had this previously", he said putting everything back.

Standing up, he stretched and cracked his waist. Two hours in the couch, just reading was tiring. He decided to use the rest of the day to hit the gym and so he went to his closet and changed to his new sport attire.

Xing Mao went to the gym that was only three blocks away from the apartment. The gym was slightly fuller than last night, but it wasn't packed so most equipment were available.

The first few days he couldn't last more than ten minutes, but with time he could endure more. However, his body wasn't looking like he wanted, mostly because he had no actual plan nor knowledge on how to obtain his desirable body. And so, he decided to get a trainer.

After showering he was thinking of requesting a trainer, but it seem to be unnecessary since the moment he got out of the showers he encountered a man.

"Hey", the man said with a blinding smile.

'My poor heart and eyesight have been threatened by this smiling beast', he thought. Although females were his weak spot, handsome males were no expectation.

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