"...I'm pregnant"

His face fell "w-what?"

I then felt myself tear up. "See..I knew it.I knew you weren't going to want a baby...but don't worry I set an appointment up for an abortion in a few days and-"

"Wait.Wait.Wait.You did What now?!"

"I set an appointment up for an abortion...Micheal you gotta understand were young,we have careers-"

"Really Jena?! Your getting an abortion because of your stupid modeling career your trying to pursue!"

"It's not just that Mike! I'm Young! besides it's...it's my body"I mumbled the last part

He chuckled lightly "Your body huh? I thought you said this was a 'problem' between the both of us...which mean it's OUR decision on weather or not you have an abortion"

"Mikey we have are whole lives to have kids-"

"Nah we don't actually"He said

"Yes we do"

He shook his head "If you kill my seed Jena....were over"He said before walking out leaving me speechless and tear eyed.

Charles pov

"YOU SAW HER? OH MY GOD HOW IS SHE?"Denise asked with a worried facial expression

"She's good I guess"I shrugged

"Ugh! Why didn't she tell me she was moving back here? She could've stayed with me!"She yelled

"You know damn well that girl ain't moving back in here with you...I don't blame her either"

She rolled her eyes at me "So what is she doing here back in New York?"

"I don't know.All I know is she's with that Chris-"

"Chris? Who the hell is that?"She asked

"Her boyfriend...He use to work for me...until he left Cali and came up here with her"

"Her boyfr- what? no no no no no no NO NO NO!"She yelled


"She isn't suppose to be with him she's suppose to be with August!"

I kissed my teeth "Quit trying to get those two together! Besides why would you want that guy with her? He's a fucking pervert"

"Okay So what? He lied about his age! We're all human Charles we make mistakes!"She said

"Yeah I know,Marrying you was one of mine"I chuckled

She gave me a death stare and I laughed again

"That wasn't funny"she said with a straight face

"It wasn't meant to be a joke,Denise....but anyways I don't like her with Chris either...so I might be able to help you with that"I said with a smirk

She smiled "What's the plan?"

Nina's pov

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