Chapter 8: Initiation

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The sun hit my eyes when I woke up that morning, causing me to blink and flutter my eyes as I raised my arm to shield them from the bright light. Despite the sunshine, I felt cold and it may have been because last night was a dream, Sandra showing up in this temporary dorm room wasn't real and was yet again only in my head.
I started drifting off to sleep, but I slapped myself across the face and shook my head, sitting upright.
"Come on, wake up Drake! It's "judgement day"!" I joked as I sprung out of bed.
I was about to start a morning workout routine, the same type i'd been doing since training; seventy jumping jacks, one hundred push ups, eighty-five sit ups. I decided to not include the run considering this wasn't the base.
I was about to do this routine when I saw a note left by the door, just above the light switch. I walked towards it, my footsteps making a soft thump with each step in these socks. I tore the note off the wall by the tape it was stuck up with and begun to read it in my head.
'Dear Mr. Creed.

The following letter are the details regarding your initiation later this morning.
Firstly is to clear up questions on what exactly you have to do. While I can't exactly spill all the details, I can tell you that you will be fighting one of our members of staff. Now, about restrictions...
You can't use your ODST ARMOUR as you must fight using your weapons and aura. Secondly, you can't use your standard munition because it has the capability of penetrating aura like a knife through butter.
Not to worry as custom dust rounds will be provided to you before the fight.
Other than that, we're using tournament rules.
Myself, Glynda, Peter, and Bartholomew will be judging your performance.
I also forgot to mention, they may have forgotten about our other students initiation that will be happening tomorrow so class is cancelled then. We'll discuss more about that later.

Signed Prof. Ozpin.'

I groaned and packed my armour back into a large crate that I put my things in. It's my form of a suitcase.
Instead I begun putting on the gear provided to me from Tai, Ruby, and Yang.
I had just slung Riley's MA5 over my shoulder when someone knocked on the door.
I opened it and Doctor Oobleck ran in and spoke in a fast tone.
"Good morning Mr. Creed. I have instructions from the Headmaster to hold onto your Luggage for you until accommodations have been arranged, thank you for your time!" He exclaimed and whooshed behind me, grabbed the handle of my hovering crate and zipped out. From the sheer speed of Dr. Oobleck, I was spun around when he zipped out. Leaving me alone in this empty dorm room to process what he said and what the hell just happened. I snapped myself out of my daze and looked out my window and saw the airships, carrying tens of hundreds of students, were almost here. My eyes went wide open in surprise as I realized how late i slept!
"Wait... If the airships are almost here." I begun to think aloud and i staggered back in realization.
"Oh fu--" an image of Tai's annoyed face went through my head. "--dge... Fudge." I finished and corrected myself before turning on the back of my heels and sprinted out the door, slamming it shut behind me with an audible BLAM as I bolted down the hall towards the stairwell. There it was, the stairwell was on my right, I felt the air rushing against my face as I ran full speed ahead...
If only I was aiming for the stairwell, in actuality I was going for the open window at the end of the hall. I really hated this habit considering I was three floors up. I didn't stop to consider or even think and dove face first out the window, the rifle on my back barely scraping the window frame. I felt soo proud when the fresh air buffeted against my face, the sunny sky warming my skin... It felt soo amazing--

--For the next three seconds before I started falling. "oh son of a biiii...." I started screaming as I struggled in the air to spin my body so my feet were facing the ground, I felt as if time itself was almost at a standstill.
It was instinct for someone with my training to have their feet face the ground when they fell.
'the big shots may be in their escape pods, drinking fancy luxury wine. That's not how we go. Helljumpers, how do we go!?' 'WE GO FEET FIRST, SIR!' 'FEET FIRST!' The old wives tale about cat's always landing on their feet? Well that's not a wives tale for us Helljumpers. So long as we're alive and kicking, we'll fall feet first.
I finally managed to situate myself upright just before I hit the ground. Time slowed once more for me as I bent my knees upon landing and angled my body forward and sprung my legs out. Launching me forward into a lunge with my arms stretched forward, I it was a long arc that lasted a few meters before my hands hit the ground and I went into a roll and continued running on my feet all in one motion. I was pointed directly at the school and was soo dead set on getting to the initiation that I didn't notice Yang behind me, trying to call me over.

(POV Switch brought to you by Sandra trying to hook Drake up with Prof. Nova all from in his thoughts while the ghost of Ramona cheered her on alongside an interesting white cloaked ghost eating a cookie.)

"Drake, DRAKE!" Yang called out to him with her hands cupped around her mouth but it was no use, he was going faster than Ruby at a weapon's expo. She let her hands droop to her sides in defeat as the usually sunny and fiery Yang felt a bit disappointed. Her friends, whom she had ditched Ruby to catch up with, all started talking about the sudden events.
"Who was that?""Yeah and why did he just ignore yang?"
"Yeah, Yang, who was that?" they all questioned and yang looked down at the ground a bit.
"Just my big brother, guess he's in a rush." She said in a sad tone. Her friends decided to tease her a bit when she said this.
"Really? Well in that case he was kind of cute~"
"yeah he was!" some of them started to giggle and the fire in Yang's eyes returned as she started to get mad, an obvious sign of this being the red eyes and the fire emitting from her hair.
"Hey! Don't talk about him like that, he's MY brother!" She exclaimed angrily and her friends begun to laugh and chuckle, knowing their plan had worked.
Meanwhile her little sister Ruby, who was given a personal invitation to join beacon by none other than the headmaster himself last night, had been having a rough time so far. Her own sister yang ditched her for some other friends, she met a really scary girl who wouldn't stop yelling, then she sneezed in the girls face and the sneeze had fire dust... So she literally exploded. Then she was yelled at more before a nice girl with a black bow kind of bailed her out, but before she could talk to her she walked away. Leaving her with Jaune, aka vomit boy. And to make matters worse, they were both lost trying to find the main hall and were wandering around the halls of the school.
"So what if I have motion sickness, I mean come on, that shouldn't be a basis to call me 'Vomit Boy'." the tall blonde argued. Ruby had to look up to speak to him considering her small height and Jaune towered over her at an astounding six-foot-one. His hair was quite messy and seemed like that for layers, he had a pale complexion and completely free of acne. And to match his height he definitely wasn't scrawny, he was well muscled which could make him useful in combat, now he was wearing what would have looked like normal attire. Black hoodie with orange lining, detached orange sleeves, blue jeans and black lace up black flats. Not to mention the two belts that crossed over eachother like an X across his waist. Then his armour, he had a nice white chest plate shaped like a diamond that cuts off at his abdomen and he had white spaulders and rerebraces under them. (These may sound like made up words but they are real) at his waist was his sword which lay in a white metal sheathe and would unfold into his shield.
Ruby groaned as he went on and on about how big a problem motion sickness was and she started tuning him out. She knew Jaune was actually a nice guy, he was kind of funny too, he just wasn't either of those things right now.
She had tuned out of reality while they were walking and her mind went to a very happy place to her, weapons! The most deadliest imaginable. In her head and most likely in real life, the most dangerous was her very own Crescent Rose. She practically drooled over her memories of designing, planning, forging, and learning to wield her most dearly beloved. However her mind snapped out of 'Lala land' when she heard the headmaster speaking behind an open door to a classroom.
"Drake Creed, you're just in time!" He exclaimed in joy.
Jaune was still rambling on and Ruby pressed her finger against his lips without looking, still with deadly accuracy.
"Shush!" she demanded and Jaune pulled her finger away from him.
"That was--" he argued but Ruby did it again as she peeked through the door.
"I mean it, shush." she whispered and Jaune pulled the finger away once more and got annoyed.
"are you gonna stop?" He complained and Ruby rolled her eyes.
"not until you shut up." She muttered and Jaune missed what she said.
"What was that?" He asked in an unsure tone as Ruby peeked through the door.
Jaune did the same and realized why he had to shut up when he saw the headmaster standing in the front student row of the sparring classroom. Down in the small arena was the boy she called a big brother, Drake, and a Professor with plum and lavender hair.
Ozpin continued speaking.
"Your test is to fight Professor Nova." He announced as the lights around the arena brightened, giving it the illusion that there is nothing around them except the lit up ground, she knew this because they did this technique at signal to help the students focus, the class could see them, they wouldn't get stage fright, it's a win all around.
"As I wrote in your letter earlier, myself and three of our best teachers shall be judging." He stated.
Ruby decided she had to watch this and started creeping into the classroom, with Jaune of course realizing he had to follow his new friend like a lost puppy, but they both froze in place when a heavy, white armoured glove rested on each of their shoulders. The two startled friends turned their heads and looked up at a tall armoured figure and looked into his blue glass visor. The figure slowly shook his head and chuckled, jerking his head towards a pair of seats behind Ozpin and Glynda marked Reserved... The entire row was reserved actually.
"Oz's been expecting you, Ruby. You and your friend go sit behind him." He said. Ruby recognized this voice from a month ago, and she remembered the armour. She gave a swift nod and grabbed Jaune's wrist and begun guiding him to the second row. "come on, Jaune." she whispered loudly and Jaune was struggling to keep up.
"Wait, how do you know that guy? Why was the headmaster expecting us?" he started questioning but Ruby shut him up when they sat behind Ozpin and Glynda. Shortly after they sat down, other students found their way to the classroom and quietly sat down without a word.
They all waited for the match to begin, but It seemed the short teenage soldier was having problems with his rifle... Again.

(POV switch brought to you by a chibi Ruby finding her mom's fresh baked cookies... Which scares her because her mom's dead "who baked these, who stole the recipe, AAAHH!!" she exclaimed as she ran off, only for a transparent Chibi white cloaked woman to slowly rise from behind the counter, frowning that her daughter didn't take the cookies with her.)

I fiddled with Riley's stubborn MA5. it wouldn't accept the dust magazine I was trying to shove into it.
"Cursed thing, TAKE THE AMMO!" I yelled in frustration as the magazine refused to budge. Professor Nova, who was across the arena lowered her aim on her gun, having it in an alert stance instead.
"You alright over there?" she called with worry, putting an open palm next her mouth to throw her voice.
I gave a slight nod and held the rifle upside down as I tried to slam the magazine in with my palm. "I'm fine, this damn thing just doesn't wanna budge!" I complained and Professor Nova rolled her bright blue eyes with a smug grin as she walked over to me. I didn't notice her until she snatched the rifle from me and one of my knives, carefully stuck the knife in the gap between the mag and the rifle's casing, wiggled the blade, then pulled the knife out and pounded the bottom of the magazine, forcing it into the rifle. She smiled down at me innocently and held out the gun and my knife.
"there, all fixed~!" She announced in a cheery voice. I carefully lifted the weapons out of her strong yet delicate palms and smiled up at my Professor.
"Thank you, ma'am." I thanked her and she walked back to the other side of the arena, flashing a smile over her shoulder back at me.

Rook, who sat next to yang, took off his helmet to face palm and Yang... Well she had a shocked look on her face.
"He is soo dense..." Yang observed and Rook placed his hand on Yang's shoulder.
"kid, you don't even know the half of it." Rook complained.

I pulled back the charging handle of my Assault Rifle, loading an Ice round into the chamber as I raise the rifle's stock to my shoulder and straightened my aim, Professor Nova at the other end of the arena did the same thing. There we stood for what felt like a minute, Ozpin sure was taking his time sounding that buzzer. Either that or time felt slow to me again.
My fingers fidgeted on the ergonomic hand grip near the end of the rifle, my trigger finger twitched. I adjusted my footing too and I watched as Professor Nova begun getting bored waiting too and was spinning the revolving chamber of her rifle with her thumb. I groaned and lowered my rifle. "Any time, Oz!" I shouted and the buzzer sounded. I glanced down at my rifle, then to Nova, then the rifle again... And I saw her having the same reaction.
I raised the MA5D and pulled the trigger, letting out a five round burst. Professor Nova bent backwards and dodged the bullets before standing up faster than I could react and pulling back the hammer of the revolving rifle in her hands, firing in rapid succession. I rolled to the right, and rolled again, I rolled after I heard each gunshot. This repeated five times before she spun open the chamber of her rifle to reload and I hip fired the rifle on full auto. The dust rounds slammed into her aura before she used that semblance of hers which summoned a Nova cloud around the arena. I lowered my rifle and slung it over my shoulder and pulled out one of the hunting knives that Tai gave me. I couldn't see a thing and it would be a time like this I'd use the VISR in my helmet... Except I didn't have that. I looked left and right before I felt something kick me in the back hard. I fell forward and spun around from a crouching position to slash at the Professor, only to find she wasn't there... I took another blow to the back, then one to the left. This time I swung to the right and my blade collided with Professor Nova's kick, knocking her back before I put away the blade and my semblance kicked in. When I stuck my palm out to my side it felt like I was holding something, a customized flamethrower? I had a feeling it was just some memories and I swung my arms around, the smoke from my hands pushing away the nova cloud and I swung my arms behind me, launching me forward towards a surprised Nova. I swung my fist forward and she brought up her arm to block but when the punch made contact a loud bang rang out. Echoing across the arena... I fell backwards and Nova staggered, her rifle clattered across the floor far behind her. We both regained our footing and didn't notice our auras fluctuate. Before I could react, Professor Nova was infront of me and swung a left jab. I ducked and It sailed over my head as I countered with an uppercut to the lower jaw. Professor Nova stumbled back a bit as I lunged forward with a right hook, causing her head to snap to the right, I landed and swept my lags under her, making her fall to the floor on her back, which she reeled back onto the palms of her hands and kick jumped to get back to her feet, of course the jump caught me off guard and hit me square in the face, causing myself to stumble back, suddenly I was swept off my feet by a low wheel kick. I was airborne for a second before I felt something hit the top of my head and slam me into the ground, an axe kick of course. The dust cleared and my vision took a second to adjust as Professor Nova was standing across from me, in a fighting stance and her face looked a bit scratched,, she looked pretty roughed up... I think my body felt the same way she looked meaning from her point of view I looked just as bad, but I had to keep going and just before I could run forward, I heard someone shouting.
"Enough, you deaf bastards!" I heard a familiar strong commanding voice... "Professor Baron?" I questionably looked towards where I thought the voice came from only to see the tall Spartan land before me and Nova.
"You two fought well, and your aura depleted two minutes ago." He said, his voice having the sound of some sort of voice actor with the way his helmet muffled his voice a bit. He looked over towards a wall and up.
"Oz, I'd say the initiation is over... And I'm pretty sure it's a tie." He shouted and the bright spotlights shut off, revealing the chairs where only 4 people once sat... Now had at least a dozen students. I dropped my arms to my side and only a few of the people stood out to me... One was Yang... Wait...
My eyes went wide at who sat next to Yang and it was--
"R-Ruby???" I muttered in disbelief. I should have felt happy but I only felt... Nauseous, I had just fought a woman after her aura was depleted, i couldn't imagine what was going through their heads and I didn't stop to think about it, because I made a beeline for the emergency exit at the side of the stage.
"Drake, wait!" I heard Rook try to call to me but I didn't listen, I just ran straight through the door and into the hall. I looked back to see if I was being followed but bumped into someone. We both fell over. I took a quick glance at her before I got up. She had very pale skin with ice blue eyes with a scar running over her left eye. She wore a thigh-length ice blue and white strapless dress that Ruby would have referred to as a combat skirt. Over the dress was a bell sleeved bolero with matching colours to her dress with a red inner lining.. But what caught my attention was her snow white hair done up in a long ponytail, held in place by a thin tiara. I didn't have the chance to apologize to the girl as I ran off, still trying to hide myself, not wanting my sisters to see me the way I am now.
The girl whom' I'd left on the floor got up and dusted herself off with an angry look on her pale face as she put her hands on her hips, a scowl growing by the minute. "Just who does he think he is, bumping into me like that? Not even a simple 'sorry'!?" she started venting with anger and stormed off in the direction I ran in.

I kept running down the hall, my heart was pounding with how long I was running and with no energy left at all. My ammo, weapons, knives all clanked together as the equipment shifted in pouches and holsters, making an audible sound with each step and movement. That wasn't the only thing clanking together though, My dog tags and the crooked cross hanging from neck all bumped into eachother with each running step. I saw the locker room where all the students hid their weapons and slammed my side into the door to open it quickly. It swung open with a wham and thankfully no one was in there. The locker room was like a maze, so I turned right and slid to a stop in the corner, curling up and hugging my knees in the corner, burying my face in my own knees. I felt like I had screwed up big time. I didn't hear the end buzzer and myself and Nova kept fighting... My sisters probably see me as some heartless bastard.
"stupid... Stupid... Stupid..." I started mumbling to myself between what seemed like crying and sobbing. The subbing was muffled by my own knees and it still was loud in my ears that I didn't hear a white haired snowflake quietly walking towards me, and I didn't notice her until she grabbed my shoulder.
"you!" she exclaimed and I nearly jumped out of my skin and shrieked.
"Heck!" I screamed and the 5'3" tall girl tapped her foot impatiently, it took a second for me to recognize her as the girl I knocked over.
"Oh god... I-I'm so sorry for earlier." I slowly stood up, my face still looking rough and my hands covered in dust, both kinds.
"I-I was in such a rush and didn't see where I was going, a-are you hurt?" I started panicking with worry and she seemed to drop the ice cold stare when she saw my face. She saw it seemed roughed up with cuts, bruises. I think the corner of my lip was bleeding too. And for the first time in a while, the Ice Queen felt sympathy.
"What happened to you?" she asked with a stern expression still. I looked down to my feet and shook my head, my grey hood over my hair.
"I don't want to talk about it." I refused to answer and the white haired girl tapped her foot, my eyes widened when I think I remembered an important detail.
"Wait.. I-I've seen you somewhere before..." she froze with anticipation as I took a second and then gasped.
"Oh my-- y-your Weiss Schnee! Heiress to the Schnee dust company!? Oh god I am so so sorry!" I exclaimed, now in a mental panic and state of turmoil. I saw the corners of her lips tug at a smile, it was brief but I saw it.
She sighed and rolled her eyes.
"I guess I have to ask you your name since you know mine." Weiss said with an annoyed tone.
"D-Drake Creed, I'd shake your hand but their... Kind of covered in dust.. Of both kinds." I sighed in a disappointed tone... Weiss sat down on a bench and patted the seat next to her. I realized what she wanted me to do, but it kind of took me by surprise, hesitantly I sat next to her and she looked over to me.
"What's with the tags.?" she asked in an angered tone. "Think you're some kind of wannabe soldier?" She assumed and I shook my head.
"No... I'm a shock trooper." I confessed and she took a double take and leaned back.
"HUH!?" She sounded shocked and I sighed.
"The tags are mine, don't ask why I'm here, it's a long story and some of the things I can't tell you or someone will cut my head off." I insisted and Weiss sighed then looked at my rifle on my back in disgust.
"Wh-why's your rifle so..." she grimaced at the fact that she couldn't find a word and at the state of my rifle.
"From a friend, it's covered in ashes of Grimm and sadly his... Well... You can probably tell by now, he said not to wash it. Saying it'd wash away it's luck." I explained, but Weiss was still disgusted.
"I understand if you don't want to talk to me... I came here to hide anyway." I said with disappointment and stood up from the bench, only to feel something tug on the long hoodie I wore over everything else. Weiss had grabbed the back of the hoodie and pulled me back onto the bench beside her.
"Drake, I'm not disgusted, just confused." she confessed and I smiled softly and nodded.
"I'll bet, you're a long way from home, huh?" I ask her and she looks over at me with a chuckle.
"You have no idea." she assumed and I snickered.
"Actually... I know exactly how it feels." I correct her. We both sat in sweet silence for a second, facing the ground.
However I was knocked off the bench and tackled to the ground by a red blur trailing rose pedals.
She had my hands pinned to the side with a tight hug... And a look of fright on her face.
"Drake! WHAT HAPPENED, why'd you run off--" She was cut off by Weiss who had stood up in anger.
"Drake, you know this dunce?" She said questionably and i nodded with a grin.
"I see her as... An energetic little sister." I confessed and Weiss put her hands on her hips.
"that girl made me embarrass myself in the courtyard by sneezing red fire dust!" She boomed and I looked at Ruby with a surprised look, however I couldn't move as Ruby still didn't remove her arms from her terror hug.
"Ruby... You exploded!?" I questioned her with a shocked look and she whined.
"It was an accident!" She defended herself, still not releasing me.
"Ruby, please apologize to her." I pleaded to Ruby and she groaned.
"Ugh, you sound so much more like dad than Yang." She complained and finally let go of me and stood up, facing the angry Heiress.
"I'm sorry." she apologized and Weiss scoffed at her.
"Just because I accept your apology doesn't make us friends. Good day to you." She says farewell as she exits the locker room, leaving just myself and Ruby. Then I remembered a question I had to ask her.
"Ruby, what are you doing here at Beacon?" I asked and Ruby smiled nervously.
"I'll explain later, right now you have to go back! The Teachers are waiting for you." she said and I shook my head.
"Probably to expel me. I mean look at me, I attacked Professor Nova when her aura was down--"
"and she did the same to you." She countered me and I looked surprised. Then looked down at the ground.
"I guess we'll see." I said in a sad tone and walked towards the door of the locker room, with Ruby following close behind.

(timeskip brought to you by Weiss poking a strange desert made out of rice crisps in the shape of her face. "What's this". When suddenly Yang comes up behind her. "isn't it obvious, it's a WEISS CRISPY!")

I stood on the stage of the large arena which the seats of the classroom surrounded, all the students were gone just leaving Professor Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch, Professor Port, and Doctor Oobleck. Professor Nova seems to have been nowhere in sight.
I clasped my hands infront of me out of worry, I was nervous thinking that I might not be accepted into Beacon.
"Drake Creed." Ozpin begun, causing me to wince and prepare for the worst, my hood was indeed not on my head anymore but I was looking down.
"You fought against Professor Nova here, and did not hear the buzzer go to tell that your auras were depleted." He continued and I braced myself.
"However, some fault may be that you couldn't see a gauge showing your aura and you may have been caught up in the battle, but whether or not that was the case.. My answer remains the same." the Headmaster kept going and my mind was racing and my pulse was quick. The small railing that separated the stands from the arena shifted to form stairs, which Ozpin walked down to greet me, his cane making a clack with each step he took down the metal stairs towards me. I squeezed my eyes shut when I heard his cane fold up...
I felt a hand rest on my shoulder as I opened my eyes and looked up hesitantly to see Ozpin looking down at me with a smile. "Welcome to Beacon, Mr. Creed." He congratulated me and My eyes widened in disbelief.
"I... Passed?" I questioned and he nodded.
"with flying colours." He added and I felt excitement bottle up inside me as he released his grip on my shoulder.
"However, accommodations still have yet to be decided, and the matter of your uniform which is still being made. Other than that, you're free to go..." Ozpin said to me and I grinned brightly.
"But might i suggest a shower? That was a rough fight." Ozpin suggested and I nodded.
"Yes sir!" I exclaimed. This was it... My life at beacon would soon begin.
My classes started in two days and I still didn't even have a place to sleep yet, but I'd be willing to sleep under a bench if it meant attending this fine academy... Sadly that's when I realized...

I had nothing to do for the rest of the day, it was still morning....

Spartans Never Die, and Helljumpers Reject Death (Halo X RWBY)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن